Running With The Horses 3 - Second Service - Pastor Ayo Ajani
Official Ayo Ajani - Un p贸dcast de Pastor Ayo Ajani

The greatest hack in the kingdom principle is that if you can change the image inside you, then you can change what is on the outside. You're an inside-out person. Every change that you want to see starts from the inside. If a change is brought your way and it does not start from the inside of you, it's only a matter of time before it withers away. You need to start paying attention to the image on the inside. Immediately, you start looking inward, you stop the blame game, and you stop looking at people as your source. You have to pay attention to what is forming your ideology and philosophies. Whatever you're exposed to consistently and unconsciously is what forms your ideology. You have to ask yourself: What knowledge and information are you exposed to consistently and unconsciously? Isaiah 54:1-2: What your mind has captured as reality will create the corresponding opportunities in your life. The way to be in total control of the inner image is through total immersion. Every Christian must have a season where you block out all external information and completely immerse yourself in the word and fellowship. You must find time for yourself. A program of total immersion. Radical faith can only come through total immersion. Radical faith is not a premeditated faith; it's not something you sit down and plan; it's something that comes from the inside of you. If you find anybody doing great things, you won't find only faith there; you'll also find courage. Courage is acting on instructions in the presence of fear. Courage is the conqueror's backbone. You can't keep being cautious and expect greatness (Joshua 1:9). Five fears people have that keep them away from greatness 馃搷The fear of failure 馃搷Fear of mistakes 馃搷The fear of change 馃搷The fear of man 馃搷The fear of success