AJ's Story

NPE Stories - Un pódcast de Lily Wood


After being abandoned by his mother at 6 months old, AJ moved to a rural area with the man everyone thought was his father.  His whole life, he never knew that the missing pieces he felt were not just because of his mother's absence.  Through death, loss and shock AJ has navigated his life purposefully and arrived at a place that he is very grateful for.  AJ can be reached via email [email protected] Mentioned:Missing Pieces - NPE Life host Don Anderson Episode S2 E12 Bro-manceNorwood Free Methodist Churchhttps://www.facebook.com/norwoodfmchttps://www.youtube.com/@norwoodfreemethodistchurch9828NPE Stories PatreonNPE Stories facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/NPEstories

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