11: Gravity Falls "Fight Fighters"

Mystery Shack Lookback - Un pódcast de Charley Marlowe; Ella Cesari; Shelby Sessler


Charley and Ella discuss the evolution of video game representation in film and TV, the unreasonably stellar acting of the late Raúl Julia, and the path that led Charley to discover Gravity Falls in the first place. Watch Gravity Falls episode 10 "Fight Fighters": https://www.disneyplus.com/video/47dfb63a-f756-41f6-a254-9c8b8bd14353 Chiptune theme song and "Hall of Conspiracies" theme by http://simandthedimbulbv2-0.tumblr.com/  Download the theme song: https://ellacesari.bandcamp.com/track/my-hearts-in-gravity-falls-20-ft-pryin-brian Stan voice-over by http://twitter.com/PryinBrian http://youtube.com/doggans as Joshua Pruett https://michaelwilliamhunter.bandcamp.com/ as Matt Chapman Join our Discord Community: https://discord.gg/ZTRu7qyZcR Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mysteryshackpod Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysteryshacklookback/ https://pipedreampodcasts.com/mystery-shack-lookback Email us if you have well-archived experiences in the original Gravity Falls fanbase: [email protected]

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