#376 - How Differentiation Makes the Difference

Music Business Hacks - Un pódcast de Simon Tam


When it comes to your music or how you present yourself, what makes you unique? How can you approach your songwriting, marketing/communications, and your audiences with the mindset of differentiation so that you can create a scalable and sustainable career? Resources: Episode #291 -How to Dominate a Niche Market part 1: Find a need Episode #292 - How to Dominate a Niche Market pt 2: Smallest Viable Audience Episode #293 - How to Dominate a Niche Market pt 3: What if Your Audience is Too Small? Episode #294 - How to Dominate a Niche Market pt 4: How to Find Your Niche Episode #295 - How to Dominate a Niche Market part 5: Always Give Value Episode #296 - Recap: The Secret Weapon to Success

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