$54,000 in Monthly Lawn Care Revenue in Half a Year! (Chuck Fought)

Home Service Millionaire with Mike Andes - Un pódcast de Mike Andes


Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing one of my General Managers at Augusta Lawn Care, Chuck Fought. Chuck started in February 2021 and has grown his location in North Carolina to over $50K in monthly revenue. Get Your Landscape Business Website Built: ❌ LAWN CARE WEB DESIGN: https://www.LawnCareWebDesign.com Learn How to Build a $100K/Month Landscape Business: ⚠️ ONLINE LANDSCAPING COURSE: https://www.landscapebusinesscourse.com Door Hangers, PostCards, Flyers, Yard Signs 💰PRINT MARKETING TEMPLATES: https://www.landscapebusinesscourse.com/print Join Augusta Lawn Care: ⛔️ LAWN CARE FRANCHISE: https://www.AugustaLawnCareServices.com/franchise Get Business Consulting From Mike: 📲 45 MINUTE COACHING CALL: https://www.landscapebusinesscourse.com/coach 👨‍🏫MBA for Entrepreneurs Online Course: https://www.landscapebusinesscourse.com/mba (use the coupon code "presale" for 40% discount💰) 📱 Join the Texting Platform for Q&A 📱 Text the word "landscaping" to 360.227.6362 ❎ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/themikeandes ❎ EMAIL: [email protected] 

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