T01.E11 (English version*) Discover what Free Will is & how to be respectful with it (your own & others’) with Jesh de Rox

LA MAGIA DEL CAOS con Aislinn Derbez - Un pódcast de Aislinn Derbez

This time I thought it would be a good idea to have a guest in my podcast who I’d have to interview in English! I invited Jesh de Rox, who besides being a photographer, writer, speaker, poet, entrepreneur and creator of KÎNDRED meditation, has dedicated a great part of his life to studying human behaviour and emotions, specializing in how the mind and body create our feelings. We talked about what love really is, how it’s linked to free will, the difference between wanting and loving someone, why pain is so fundamental in our lives and how we can transcend it . We also talked about Jesh's definition of joy, the importance of respecting and practicing imagination and the reasons why we commonly discredit it. Finally, we talked about creative ways of generating new behaviors that can result in different dynamics in our relationships. This is a fun episode, which will take you on a deep dive within yourself, in a happy but profound way.