Dawn Wesolek
Insightful Conversations with Del Adey-Jones - Un pódcast de UBNGO

Please join me right now on my "Insightful Conversations with Del Adey-Jones" Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/deladeyjones/ as I welcome one of my clients and fellow 3 Principles practitioner, Dawn Wesolek. Dawn is a Rewilding Guide, Career Coach, and student of the three Principles. She practices worldwide, focusing on helping individuals reach freedom and purpose in their careers. She has worked as a career coach with graduates, corporations, small businesses, and individuals since 2015. After a history of burnout and breakdown in high profile corporate jobs she is now living her best life transformed by the principles behind all human experience. She offers her clients unique a space for peace and reflection to find their inner creative guide and rewild their relationship to work.*For more information on my coaching and mentoring packages, please contact me at https://www.deladeyjones.com