InDesignSecrets Podcast 024
InDesign Secrets - Un pódcast de Blatner and Concepcion

London ID Conf. recap; Sandee on scripting; Branislav on master page text frames; Rufus on pasteboard fixes; Mysteries of the Align palette; Obscurity of the week: Go Forward/Go Back
Full details follow, or go to and view the linked show notes
-- London InDesign Conference recap from David, and he recorded interesting tidbits from a few of the conference speakers:
- Sandee Cohen tells of her experience taking a scripting class at the conference
- Branislav Milic shares a great tip for overriding master page text frames
- Rufus Deuchler reveals two ways to fix out-of-control pasteboard sizes
-- Mysteries and Treasures of the Align palette (like, where it is)
-- Obscure InDesign Feature of the Week: Go Forward/Go Back
Links mentioned:
• AlignToPage.jsx is one of the free cross-platform scripts on your CS2 installation CD or part of this .zip archive (Adobe site download).
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