Hoy empieza todo - Sección Gourmet: Charlie Fáber - 12/02/25
Hoy empieza todo 1 - Un pódcast de Radio 3

Selección musical de Charlie Fáber, director de Sateli3."Out On The Floor" - Dobie Gray"Exit Loneliness Enter Love" - Tommy Mosley"The Duck" - Jackie Lee"Barefootin´" - Robert Parker"Chills and Fever" - Ronnie Love"The Work Song" - Tommy Hunt"Miss Treatment" - The Incredibles"Love Makes The World Go Round" - Deon Jackson"Catch That Teardrop" - The 5 Royales"Girl Watcher" - The O´Kaysions"I´m On My Way" - Barbara Dane"The Ice-Man" - Billy Watkins"Backfield In Motion" - Mel & Tim"I´ve Arrived" - Steve Flanagan"It´s Your Voodoo Working" - Charles Sheffield"Take A Giant Step (Walk On)" - The Profiles"Fortune Teller" - Benny Spellman"I Can´t Get Over Losing Your Love" - The Incredibles"Comin´ Home Baby" - Mel Torme"Lover Come Back To Me" - The Cleftones"Give Our Love A Chance" - Ada Ray