The Icy Misadventures of Marek in Červená Veža

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Icy Misadventures of Marek in Červená Veža Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V malebnej dedinke s názvom Červená Veža stávala útulná krčma.En: In a picturesque village named Červená Veža, there stood a cozy pub.Sk: Táto krčma bola centrom dedinského života, najmä počas zimných večerov.En: This pub was the center of village life, especially during winter evenings.Sk: Vonku bol mráz a sneh zakrýval strechy, cesty aj polia.En: Outside, the frost and snow covered roofs, roads, and fields.Sk: Krčma bola teplá a prívetivá, s vôňou vareného vína a čerstvo pečených pagáčov, ktoré prilákali všetkých miestnych.En: The pub was warm and inviting, with the aroma of mulled wine and freshly baked pagáče, which attracted all the locals.Sk: V kútiku blízko krbu sedeli Marek, Zuzana a Janka.En: In a corner near the fireplace sat Marek, Zuzana, and Janka.Sk: Marek bol sebavedomý mladík.En: Marek was a confident young man.Sk: Rád sa predvádzal a často rozprával o svojich skvelých schopnostiach.En: He loved to show off and often talked about his great skills.Sk: Tento večer začal Marek hovoriť o svojej „úžasnej“ zručnosti v korčuľovaní na ľade.En: This evening, Marek started talking about his "amazing" skill in ice skating.Sk: „Zima je môj obľúbený čas,“ vyhlásil Marek.En: "Winter is my favorite time," declared Marek.Sk: „Na korčuliach som stroj.En: "On skates, I'm a machine.Sk: Raz, keď som bol v Bratislave, ľudia sa zastavovali, aby ma sledovali.En: Once, when I was in Bratislava, people stopped to watch me."Sk: “Zuzana a Janka sa naňho skepticky usmiali.En: Zuzana and Janka smiled at him skeptically.Sk: „Naozaj?En: "Really?"Sk: “ spýtala sa Janka s prekvapeným výrazom.En: asked Janka with a surprised expression.Sk: Nikto ho totiž nikdy nevidel korčuľovať.En: No one had ever seen him skate.Sk: „Ach, to nič nie je,“ pokračoval Marek.En: "Oh, it's nothing," continued Marek.Sk: „Mohol by som to teraz hneď predviesť.En: "I could demonstrate it right now."Sk: “Zuzane zahoreli oči výzvou.En: Zuzana's eyes lit up with a challenge.Sk: „Choďme von, Marek.En: "Let's go outside, Marek.Sk: Povedzme si pravdu, ak si taký dobrý, ukáž nám to.En: Let's see the truth, if you're that good, show us."Sk: “Marekovi sa to vôbec nepozdávalo.En: Marek didn't like that at all.Sk: Pravda bola, že sa bál zľadovateného chodníka.En: The truth was, he was afraid of the icy path.Sk: Ale nemohol si dovoliť stratiť tvár.En: But he couldn't afford to lose face.Sk: „Dobre,“ povedal rozhodne.En: "Alright," he said decisively.Sk: „Poďme von.En: "Let's go outside."Sk: “Vystúpili pred krčmu, kde sa malá plocha ľadu blyšťala v svetle pouličnej lampy.En: They stepped out in front of the pub, where a small patch of ice glistened in the streetlight.Sk: Marek stál na okraji so strachom v očiach, o ktorých dúfal, že si ich dievčatá nevšimnú.En: Marek stood at the edge with fear in his eyes, hoping the girls wouldn't notice.Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchol a vykročil na ľad.En: He took a deep breath and stepped onto the ice.Sk: Snažil sa o jednoduchý pohyb, ktorý si pamätal z televízie, ale v tom sa jeho noha šmykla.En: He tried a simple move he remembered from television, but then his foot slipped.

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