Innovation on Ice: A New Year's Market Adventure in Bratislava

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Innovation on Ice: A New Year's Market Adventure in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Na námestí Starého Mesta Bratislavy to žilo novoročnou atmosférou.En: The námestie Starého Mesta of Bratislava buzzed with a New Year's atmosphere.Sk: Trh bol plný života, vôní a farebných dekorácií.En: The market was full of life, scents, and colorful decorations.Sk: Vianočné svetlá žiarili z každého rohu, a Marek s Zuzanou sa prechádzali po kamenných uliciach.En: Christmas lights shone from every corner, and Marek and Zuzana strolled down the cobblestone streets.Sk: Malá snehová pokrývka podčiarkovala zimnú idylu, ale zima nezabránila davom ľudí, aby sa hrnuli nakupovať ingrediencie na sviatočné jedlo.En: A light snow cover highlighted the winter idyll, but the cold did not deter the crowds of people rushing to buy ingredients for a festive meal.Sk: Marek mal v ruke zoznam od svojej babičky.En: Marek held a list from his grandmother.Sk: Chcel pripraviť tradičné slovenské jedlo na novoročnú večeru.En: He wanted to prepare a traditional Slovak dish for the New Year’s dinner.Sk: Bol detailista.En: He was a perfectionist.Sk: Každá položka zoznamu mala svoj význam a miesto v recepte.En: Every item on the list had its importance and place in the recipe.Sk: Zuzana sa usmievala, pozerať sa na neho, ako občas pri zozname pokrúti hlavou, keď bol nejaký stánok prázdny.En: Zuzana smiled, watching him occasionally shake his head at the list when a stall was empty.Sk: „Netreba sa báť,“ povzbudzovala ho Zuzana.En: "Don't worry," Zuzana encouraged him.Sk: „Pohliadajme sa po trhoch, určite niečo nájdeme!En: "Let's look around the markets; surely we'll find something!"Sk: “ Na trhu bolo rušno.En: The market was bustling.Sk: Z každej strany znejú hlasy predajcov, ktorí ponúkajú svoje tovary – medovina, klobásky, čerstvé pečivo.En: From every side came the voices of vendors offering their goods – mead, sausages, fresh pastries.Sk: Avšak veľa z regálov bolo prázdnych.En: However, many of the shelves were empty.Sk: Niektoré ingrediencie, ktoré Marek potreboval, sa už dávno vypredali.En: Some ingredients that Marek needed had long been sold out.Sk: Marek bol nervózny.En: Marek was nervous.Sk: „Nemáme kapustu a ani bryndzu,“ povzdychol si.En: "We don't have cabbage or bryndza," he sighed.Sk: To bolo srdce jeho babičkinho receptu a v Bratislave na tom trhu to vyzeralo, akoby tieto ingrediencie boli neviditeľnými pokladmi.En: These were the heart of his grandmother's recipe, and in Bratislava, at that market, it seemed as if these ingredients were invisible treasures.Sk: Zuzana sa smiala.En: Zuzana laughed.Sk: „Skúsme niečo iné.En: "Let's try something different.Sk: Čo tak použiť čerstvý špenát miesto kapusty a namiesto bryndze… možno feta syr?En: How about using fresh spinach instead of cabbage, and instead of bryndza... maybe feta cheese?"Sk: “ Jej spontánna energia prinášala Marekovi novú perspektívu.En: Her spontaneous energy brought Marek a new perspective.Sk: Marek zaváhal.En: Marek hesitated.Sk: „Ale my chceme, aby to bolo ako od babičky.En: "But we want it to be just like grandma's."Sk: “ „Babka by ti určite dovolila byť kreatívny,“ protivilo Zuzana hravo.En: "Grandma would definitely let you be creative," Zuzana playfully...

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