Igniting Young Minds: A Literary Awakening in Bratislava
FluentFiction - Slovak - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Igniting Young Minds: A Literary Awakening in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-31-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Keď snehové vločky padali pomaly pred veľkými oknami Bratislavskej verejnej strednej školy, trieda ťažko sústredená počúvala Jakubov hlas.En: As the snowflakes fell slowly in front of the large windows of the Bratislavskej verejnej strednej školy (Bratislava Public High School), the class listened intently to Jakub's voice.Sk: Bol to muž, ktorý miloval literatúru viac než čokoľvek iné.En: He was a man who loved literature more than anything else.Sk: Avšak v tomto zimnom období cítil, že jeho vášeň nenašla odozvu medzi jeho študentmi.En: However, during this winter season, he felt that his passion did not resonate with his students.Sk: "Básne nie sú nudné," snažil sa ich presvedčiť.En: "Poems are not boring," he tried to persuade them.Sk: "Sú dôležité!En: "They are important!"Sk: " Ale klíma v triede bola chladná, akoby mráz zvonku prenikol aj sem.En: But the atmosphere in the classroom was cold, as if the frost from outside had seeped in.Sk: Eva, svetlovlasé dievča so žiarivými očami, zdvihla ruku.En: Eva, a fair-haired girl with bright eyes, raised her hand.Sk: "Prečo sa musíme učiť veci, ktoré nás nebavia?En: "Why do we have to learn things that don't interest us?Sk: Nie je to strata času?En: Isn't it a waste of time?"Sk: "Jakub bol vždy trpezlivý, ale cítil frustráciu.En: Jakub was always patient, but he felt frustrated.Sk: Hľadal slová, ktoré by prebudili záujem jeho študentov.En: He searched for words that would awaken his students' interest.Sk: Pokúšal sa predstaviť im krásu klasickej literatúry, no stretol sa len s nezáujmom.En: He tried to introduce them to the beauty of classical literature, but was met only with indifference.Sk: Eva, so svojou odvážnou otázkou, bola len vrcholom ľadovca.En: Eva, with her bold question, was just the tip of the iceberg.Sk: Keď vyučovanie skončilo, Jakub išiel priamo za riaditeľkou Máriou.En: When the lesson ended, Jakub went straight to Principal Mária.Sk: Jej kancelária bola útulná, vyzdobená svetlami a voňala škoricou a borovicovými ihličkami.En: Her office was cozy, adorned with lights and smelled of cinnamon and pine needles.Sk: Mária bola prísna, ale spravodlivá.En: Mária was strict but fair.Sk: Chcela, aby škola prosperovala a všetci boli spokojní.En: She wanted the school to thrive and everyone to be happy.Sk: "Čo môžeme urobiť, Mária?En: "What can we do, Mária?Sk: Cítim, že strata ich záujmu je aj mojou chybou," zamyslene sa jej zveril.En: I feel like their lack of interest is partly my fault," he confided thoughtfully.Sk: Mária sa usmiala a radila: "Skús im dať niečo, čo si sami nájdu, čo ich poteší.En: Mária smiled and advised, "Try giving them something to discover on their own, something that will make them happy.Sk: Nech sa literatúra stane ich vlastným objavom.En: Let literature become their own discovery."Sk: "Tento nápad sa Jakubovi páčil.En: Jakub liked this idea.Sk: Rozhodol sa pre nový druh zadania.En: He decided on a new kind of assignment.Sk: Každý študent si mal nájsť knihu, ktorá ho osloví, a podeliť sa s triedou o jej význam.En: Each student was to find a book that spoke to them and share its significance with the class.Sk: Prichádzala posledná hodina pred...