Finding Light: Marek's Journey to Peace Amidst Change
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Light: Marek's Journey to Peace Amidst Change Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Pod snehovo bielymi vrchmi Tatier leží internátna škola, miesto, kde sa mladé srdcia učia a rastú.En: Under the snow-white peaks of the Tatry lies a boarding school, a place where young hearts learn and grow.Sk: Tam, v tichom kútiku školy, sedí Marek.En: There, in a quiet corner of the school, sits Marek.Sk: Z výhľadu oknom vidí, ako jemné vločky padajú a pokrývajú zem bielou prikrývkou.En: From the view through the window, he sees delicate flakes falling, covering the ground with a white blanket.Sk: Vnútri jeho srdca však nie je pokoj.En: However, there is no peace inside his heart.Sk: Myšlienky o rodičoch mu neustále víria v hlave.En: Thoughts of his parents constantly swirl in his head.Sk: Rozvod je slovo, ktoré zmenilo jeho svet.En: Divorce is a word that has changed his world.Sk: Petra, jeho najlepšia priateľka, si k nemu sadá.En: Petra, his best friend, sits down next to him.Sk: „Marek,“ hovorí jemne, „viem, že to nie je ľahké.En: "Marek," she says gently, "I know it's not easy.Sk: Ale nie si sám.En: But you're not alone.Sk: Máš nás.En: You have us."Sk: “ Petra mu podáva čaj a obača hrnček sa vo svojich dlaniach.En: Petra hands him a tea and wraps her hands around the mug.Sk: Za rohom sa usmieva Lenka.En: Around the corner, Lenka smiles.Sk: „Mohol by si sa pridať k nám na trojkráľové oslavy.En: "You could join us for the Trojkráľové celebrations.Sk: Bude tam teplo, smiech a koledy!En: There will be warmth, laughter, and carols!"Sk: “ Trojkráľový sviatok je čas radosti, keď sa spomína na múdrych mužov, ktorí našli cestu za svetlom.En: The Trojkráľový holiday is a time of joy, when the wise men who found their way to the light are remembered.Sk: Možno aj Marek potrebuje nájsť svoje svetlo.En: Perhaps Marek also needs to find his light.Sk: Marek váha.En: Marek hesitates.Sk: Chce sa cítiť, že patrí.En: He wants to feel like he belongs.Sk: Chce porozumieť svojmu miestu v tejto novej, neistej realite.En: He wants to understand his place in this new, uncertain reality.Sk: Nakoniec prikývne a s Petrou a Lenkou kráča do veľkej siene školy, kde praskajúci oheň vrhá teplé svetlo na usmiate tváre študentov.En: Finally, he nods and walks with Petra and Lenka to the school’s great hall, where a crackling fire casts a warm light on the smiling faces of students.Sk: Sála je plná vône perníkov a punču.En: The hall is filled with the smell of gingerbread and punch.Sk: Sklenené okná odhaľujú zasneženú krajinu vonku.En: The glass windows reveal the snowy landscape outside.Sk: Počas programu sa Marek zamyslene usmieva.En: During the program, Marek smiles thoughtfully.Sk: Hovorí si, že by sa mal pokúsiť myslieť na pekné veci.En: He tells himself he should try to think of beautiful things.Sk: Zrazu, naruší jeho myšlienky jemné bzučanie mobilu.En: Suddenly, his thoughts are interrupted by the soft buzzing of his phone.Sk: Je to správa od jeho matky.En: It's a message from his mother.Sk: Marek zhlboka nadýchne a otvorí ju.En: Marek takes a deep breath and opens it.Sk: Slová od mamy sú plné lásky, vysvetľujú jej ťažkú situáciu a sľubujú, že všetko sa zlepší.En: The words from his mom...