Braving the Storm: A Journey of Friendship and Wisdom

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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Braving the Storm: A Journey of Friendship and Wisdom Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: Snežné vločky padali hustým bielym plášťom.En: Snowflakes were falling in a thick white cloak.Sk: Vysoké Tatry boli v zime ohromujúce, a Marek túžil zachytiť ich krásu svojím fotoaparátom.En: The High Tatras were stunning in winter, and Marek longed to capture their beauty with his camera.Sk: Jeho cieľom bol vrchol Rysy, kde chcel stihnúť posledné slnečné lúče.En: His goal was the peak of Rysy, where he wanted to catch the last rays of sunlight.Sk: Zuzana, jeho dlhoročná priateľka a skúsená turistka, kráčala vedľa neho.En: Zuzana, his long-time friend and an experienced hiker, walked beside him.Sk: „Marek, toto nie je dobrý nápad,“ povedala Zuzana, pozrúc na temné mraky nad sebou.En: "Marek, this is not a good idea," said Zuzana, looking at the dark clouds above them.Sk: „Snehová búrka prichádza rýchlo.En: "A snowstorm is approaching quickly."Sk: “Marek, odhodlaný a plný energie, len mávol rukou.En: Marek, determined and full of energy, just waved his hand.Sk: „Neboj sa, zvládneme to.En: "Don't worry, we can handle it.Sk: Je to len pár hodín.En: It's only a few hours."Sk: “Cesta nahor bola čoraz náročnejšia.En: The path upward was becoming more challenging.Sk: Sneh bol hlboký, led abolición.En: The snow was deep, barely passable.Sk: Vietor všetko okolo zvaloval, v dialke nebolo nič vidieť.En: The wind was knocking everything down, and nothing could be seen in the distance.Sk: Zuzana sa obávala, že sa zblíži silná búrka.En: Zuzana feared that a strong storm was closing in.Sk: „Marek, musíme sa vrátiť.En: "Marek, we have to turn back.Sk: Cesta späť bude ťažká.En: The way back will be tough."Sk: “Marek zastavil na krátky okamih, premýšľajúc.En: Marek stopped for a brief moment, pondering.Sk: Bol tak blízko.En: He was so close.Sk: Ale Zuzana mala pravdu.En: But Zuzana was right.Sk: Navyše si všimol, že jej tvár bola vážna, oči plné obáv.En: Moreover, he noticed that her face was serious, her eyes full of concern.Sk: „Nie.En: "No.Sk: Musíme sa dostať na vrchol.En: We have to get to the top.Sk: Je to jedinečná príležitosť,“ protestoval Marek.En: It's a unique opportunity," Marek protested.Sk: Zuzana sa zastavila a zosilnila hlas.En: Zuzana stopped and raised her voice.Sk: „Marek, nemusíš to dokazovať.En: "Marek, you don't need to prove anything.Sk: Bezpečie je dôležitejšie.En: Safety is more important.Sk: Môžeš si vždy spraviť nové fotky, ale život je len jeden.En: You can always take new photos, but you only have one life."Sk: “Ich argument prešel do hĺbky, plný emócií a frustrácie.En: Their argument became deep, full of emotions and frustration.Sk: Vietor hučal okolo nich, sneženie pokračovalo bez zastavenia.En: The wind howled around them, and the snowfall continued unabated.Sk: Marek sa nakoniec zadumane pozrel okolo.En: Marek eventually looked around thoughtfully.Sk: „Máš pravdu,“ priznal nakoniec Marek, uznávajúc svoje chyby.En: "You're right," Marek finally admitted, acknowledging his mistakes.Sk: „Nemôžem riskovať naše životy pre fotku.En: "I can't risk our lives for a photo."Sk: “Obaja sa obrátili...

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