Blanket of Memories: Healing Hearts Through Nostalgia
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Blanket of Memories: Healing Hearts Through Nostalgia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sk: V dome starej mamy bolo stále teplo a útulne.En: In their grandmother's house, it was always warm and cozy.Sk: Aj keď bola zima a vonku padal sneh, dnu panovala príjemná atmosféra.En: Even though it was winter and snow was falling outside, a pleasant atmosphere prevailed inside.Sk: Milan a Zuzana tam prišli, aby pretriedili veci starej mamy.En: Milan and Zuzana had come to sort through their grandmother's belongings.Sk: Každý kút tejto veľkej rodinnej domácnosti ukrýval spomienky.En: Every corner of this large family home concealed memories.Sk: Milan sedel na zemi s krabicou plnou starých kníh a dokumentov.En: Milan was sitting on the floor with a box full of old books and documents.Sk: Zuzana sedela na pohovke, obklopená starými fotografiami a dekami.En: Zuzana was sitting on the couch, surrounded by old photographs and blankets.Sk: Odložila jednu deku a pozrela na brata.En: She set aside one blanket and looked at her brother.Sk: "Mali by sme túto deku nechať," povedala jemne.En: "We should keep this blanket," she said gently.Sk: "Naozaj potrebujeme toľko deky?En: "Do we really need so many blankets?Sk: Niektoré sú už staré a roztrhnuté," povzdychol si Milan.En: Some of them are already old and torn," Milan sighed.Sk: Pre neho bol úloh jasný.En: To him, the task was clear.Sk: Museli sa rýchlo pretriediť a postupovať prakticky.En: They needed to sort quickly and proceed practically.Sk: Zuzana sa zahľadela na deku.En: Zuzana gazed at the blanket.Sk: "Toto je deka, pod ktorou sme ako deti spali.En: "This is the blanket we used to sleep under as children.Sk: Má svoju hodnotu.En: It has its value."Sk: "Milan sa na chvíľu zastavil.En: Milan paused for a moment.Sk: Pomaly vstal a pozrel sa na stenu, kde viseli obrazy starej mamy.En: He slowly stood up and looked at the wall where their grandmother's pictures hung.Sk: Cítil pocit viny, že ju viac nenavštevoval.En: He felt guilty for not visiting her more often.Sk: "Viem, že je pre teba ťažké niečo vyhodiť.En: "I know it's hard for you to throw things away.Sk: Ale musíme byť rozumní," povedal ticho.En: But we have to be reasonable," he said quietly.Sk: Zuzana sklonila hlavu a vzdychla.En: Zuzana bowed her head and sighed.Sk: "Nemôžem sa vzdať spomienok.En: "I can't give up memories.Sk: Potrebujem ich.En: I need them."Sk: "Nastalo medzi nimi ticho, ktoré prerušil Milan.En: There was a silence between them that Milan broke.Sk: "Čo keby sme tie najvzácnejšie veci nechali a zvyšok dali na dobré účely?En: "What if we keep the most treasured items and give the rest to good causes?Sk: Možno by sme niečo mohli aj zrecyklovať.En: Maybe we could recycle some things too."Sk: "Zuzana kývla hlavou.En: Zuzana nodded her head.Sk: "To by bolo rozumné.En: "That would be reasonable.Sk: Ale tú deku by som naozaj chcela nechať.En: But I really would like to keep that blanket."Sk: "Milan si sadol vedľa nej a chytil jej ruku.En: Milan sat down next to her and took her hand.Sk: "Súhlasím.En: "I agree.Sk: Tú deku necháme.En: We'll keep that blanket."Sk: "Spolu si...