Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Vedran's Hospital Misadventure: Lessons in Laughter & Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Vedro ljeto obasjalo je bolničko dvorište, a miris mora lagano se miješao s mirisom sredstva za dezinfekciju.En: The bright summer sun lit up the hospital courtyard, and the smell of the sea subtly mingled with the scent of disinfectant.Hr: Vedran i Petra ušli su u čistu bolnicu u malom primorskom gradiću.En: Vedran and Petra entered the clean hospital in a small coastal town.Hr: Vedran je bio optimističan, uvjeren da će sve proći glatko na pregledu.En: Vedran was optimistic, convinced that the check-up would go smoothly.Hr: "Petra," rekao je Vedran s osmijehom.En: "Petra," Vedran said with a smile.Hr: "Danas ću ti pokazati da sve mogu sam obaviti!"En: "Today I'll show you that I can handle everything by myself!"Hr: Petra se nasmijala.En: Petra laughed.Hr: "Vedrane, samo se opusti i sjetit ćeš se koliko su pregledi jednostavni."En: "Vedran, just relax, and you'll remember how simple check-ups are."Hr: Ipak, Vedranov um bio je u vrtlogu misli.En: However, Vedran's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.Hr: Prvo što je trebao učiniti bilo je posjetiti kupaonicu.En: The first thing he needed to do was visit the restroom.Hr: Ulazio je užurbano, ali nije gledao i slučajno je zatvorio vrata tako da su kliknula, a brava se zaključala.En: He entered hurriedly, but without paying attention, he closed the door behind him just enough to hear the click of the lock.Hr: Shvatio je što se dogodilo i naslonio se na vrata.En: Realizing what happened, he leaned against the door.Hr: Pomislio je: "Ne mogu ovo priznati Petri."En: He thought, "I can't admit this to Petra."Hr: Počeo je isprobavati različite načine da otvori vrata—koristio je papire, pokušao je grebati ključanicu noktom.En: He started trying different ways to open the door—using papers and trying to pick the lock with his fingernail.Hr: Ništa nije pomoglo.En: Nothing worked.Hr: Naposljetku, priznao je sebi da mu treba pomoć.En: Finally, he admitted to himself that he needed help.Hr: Sa stidom, potražio je svoj mobitel.En: Feeling embarrassed, he reached for his phone.Hr: Njegova poruka Petri bila je kratka: "Hej, mala nezgoda.En: His message to Petra was brief: "Hey, small mishap.Hr: U kupaonici sam.En: I'm in the bathroom.Hr: Pomozi."En: Help."Hr: Nekoliko trenutaka kasnije, Petra je bila tamo, s osmijehom na licu.En: A few moments later, Petra was there, a smile on her face.Hr: No, prije nego što je uspjela pomoći, Vedran je slučajno udario u crveni gumb na zidu.En: But before she could help, Vedran accidentally hit a red button on the wall.Hr: Zvuk alarma odjekivao je kroz hodnike.En: The sound of the alarm echoed through the corridors.Hr: Bolničko osoblje brzo je stiglo.En: The hospital staff quickly arrived.Hr: Vedran, crven u licu, imao je samo jedno rješenje—smijati se.En: Vedran, red-faced, had only one solution—laughter.Hr: Bolničari su ga izvukli, a Petra ga je dočekala s lagano podrugljivim osmijehom.En: The paramedics got him out, and Petra greeted him with a slightly mocking smile.Hr: "Pa, gospodine samostalni," rekla je, "jesmo li naučili nešto danas?"En: "So, Mr. Independent,"...

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