Unveiling Secrets: A Cold War Mystery in Coastal Ruins
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling Secrets: A Cold War Mystery in Coastal Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-secrets-a-cold-war-mystery-in-coastal-ruins Story Transcript:Hr: Pod ranim zrakama kasnog ljetnog sunčevog svjetla, Anka i Luka stajali su na rubu stare obalne utvrde.En: Under the early rays of the late summer sun, Anka and Luka stood on the edge of the old coastal fortress.Hr: Vetar je nježno milovao njihova lica, noseći miris soli.En: The wind gently caressed their faces, carrying the scent of salt.Hr: Ova utvrda, zaboravljena od svih osim najupornijih istraživača, skrivala je mračne tajne.En: This fortress, forgotten by all but the most persistent explorers, hid dark secrets.Hr: Anka, strastvena zaljubljenica u povijest, bila je uzbuđena.En: Anka, a passionate history enthusiast, was excited.Hr: Luka, s kamerom oko vrata, dijelio je njeno uzbuđenje, ali u sebi je osjećao i bojazan.En: Luka, with a camera around his neck, shared her excitement but also felt a sense of unease within.Hr: "Ispod ove ruševine leži tajni bunker iz Hladnog rata", rekla je Anka s iskrama u očima.En: "Below these ruins lies a secret Cold War bunker," Anka said with a sparkle in her eyes.Hr: "Moramo ga pronaći.En: "We must find it."Hr: "Luka slegne ramenima, polako istražujući okolinu svojim objektivom.En: Luka shrugged, slowly exploring the surroundings with his lens.Hr: "Pa, ako zaista postoji, ti ćeš ga pronaći.En: "Well, if it really exists, you'll find it."Hr: "Zajedno su tražili ulaz.En: Together, they searched for the entrance.Hr: Nakon sat vremena, nabasali su na vrata prekrivena zaraslim grmljem.En: After an hour, they stumbled upon a door covered in overgrown bushes.Hr: Metal je bio zahrđao, ali su vrata bila tu, skrivala su povijest.En: The metal was rusty, but the door was there, concealing history.Hr: "Bojim se da bi moglo biti opasno", Luka je tiho progovorio.En: "I'm afraid it might be dangerous," Luka spoke quietly.Hr: "Rizik je dio avanture", odgovorila je Anka, čučnuvši da bolje pogleda vrata.En: "Risk is part of the adventure," Anka replied, crouching to get a better look at the door.Hr: "Moramo imati oprez.En: "We just need to be careful."Hr: "S teškim uzdahom, Luka popušta.En: With a heavy sigh, Luka relented.Hr: Njihova radoznalost bila je jača.En: Their curiosity was stronger.Hr: Polako su ušli u bunker, gazeći po smeću i otpadu prepunom vlage.En: They slowly entered the bunker, stepping over trash and moisture-laden debris.Hr: Zrak je bio hladan i vlažan, osvijetljen samo snopom Ankinog baterijskog svjetla.En: The air was cold and damp, illuminated only by the beam of Anka's flashlight.Hr: Koračali su oprezno, osluškujući svaki zvuk.En: They moved cautiously, listening to every sound.Hr: Dok su istraživali, pronašli su metalne sanduke i stare mape.En: As they explored, they found metal crates and old maps.Hr: Anka ih je pažljivo pregledavala, dok je Luka bilježio svaki trenutak svojim fotoaparatom.En: Anka carefully examined them while Luka documented every moment with his camera.Hr: Ovo je bila njihova povijest, skrivena od svijeta toliko godina.En: This was their history, hidden from the world for so many years.Hr: U tom trenutku, plafon iznad njih se uzdrmao i dio se urušio s treskom.En: Moments later, the ceiling above them shook, and a part collapsed...