Unlocking Secrets: Ivana's Aromatic Discovery

FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unlocking Secrets: Ivana's Aromatic Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-11-21-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je radila svoju večernju smjenu u pržionici kave smještenoj u srcu Zagreba.En: Ivana was working her evening shift at the coffee roastery located in the heart of Zagreb.Hr: Jesenje lišće padalo je ispred prozora, stvarajući šuštavu melodiju.En: Autumn leaves were falling outside the window, creating a rustling melody.Hr: Pržionica je bila toplo mjesto uređeno drvnim policama prepunima sitnica vezanih uz kavu.En: The roastery was a warm place, decorated with wooden shelves filled with coffee-related trinkets.Hr: U kutu se nalazila mala pozornica, spremna za nastupe uživo.En: In the corner, there was a small stage, ready for live performances.Hr: Ivana je bila znatiželjna baristica, uvijek željna naučiti više o tehnikama prženja.En: Ivana was a curious barista, always eager to learn more about roasting techniques.Hr: Tog je dana primijetila nešto neobično.En: That day, she noticed something unusual.Hr: Tijekom rada, u zraku pržionice osjetio se čudan, ali privlačan miris.En: During her work, a strange yet appealing aroma lingered in the air of the roastery.Hr: Miris je bio suptilan, pojavljivao se i nestajao bez upozorenja.En: The scent was subtle, appearing and disappearing without warning.Hr: Ivana je odlučila saznati odakle dolazi.En: Ivana decided to find out where it was coming from.Hr: "Marko", upitala je Ivana, obraćajući se vlasniku pržionice.En: "Marko," Ivana asked, addressing the owner of the roastery.Hr: Marko je bio tajanstven tip.En: Marko was a mysterious type.Hr: Rijetko je otkrivao svoje planove.En: He rarely revealed his plans.Hr: "Osjećaš li ovaj miris?"En: "Do you smell that aroma?"Hr: Marko se nasmiješio na način koji ništa nije otkrivao.En: Marko smiled in a way that gave nothing away.Hr: "Možda je to samo neka nova sorta kave", rekao je kratko, izbjegavajući detalje.En: "Maybe it's just some new coffee variety," he said briefly, avoiding details.Hr: Jelena, redovna mušterija i jazz pjevačica koja je često zabavljala goste svojim nastupima, također je bila tu.En: Jelena, a regular customer and jazz singer who often entertained guests with her performances, was also there.Hr: Izgledala je kao da je posebno zainteresirana za Ivankinu istragu.En: She seemed particularly interested in Ivana's investigation.Hr: "Taj miris je poseban, zar ne?" rekla je Jelena, zagonetno.En: "That aroma is special, isn't it?" said Jelena, enigmatically.Hr: Ivana nije bila zadovoljna neodređenim odgovorima.En: Ivana wasn't satisfied with the vague answers.Hr: Znatiželja joj nije dala mira.En: Her curiosity wouldn't let her rest.Hr: Odlučila je ostati nakon smjene kako bi istražila podrijetlo mirisa.En: She decided to stay after her shift to investigate the source of the aroma.Hr: Bez obzira na Markova nejasna upozorenja, nije mogla odustati.En: Despite Marko's unclear warnings, she couldn't give up.Hr: Kada se pržionica ispraznila, Ivana je počela istraživati.En: When the roastery emptied out, Ivana began exploring.Hr: Otvorila je vrata male ostave.En: She opened the door to a small storeroom.Hr: Bio je to mrak, ali miris je bio snažniji.En: It was dark, but the aroma was stronger.Hr: Dotaknula je nešto čudno...

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