Unexpected Christmas Surprises on Split's Magical Riva

FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unexpected Christmas Surprises on Split's Magical Riva Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-16-08-38-19-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U Splitu, na šetalištu Riva, sunce se polako spuštalo prema horizontu, obasjavajući more zlatnim svjetlom.En: In Split, on the Riva promenade, the sun was slowly setting towards the horizon, illuminating the sea with a golden light.Hr: Božićne lampice visjele su između palmi, stvarajući čarobnu atmosferu dok su se mirisi pečenih kestena širili zrakom.En: Christmas lights hung between palm trees, creating a magical atmosphere while the scent of roasted chestnuts filled the air.Hr: Ana je polako hodala, zamišljeno gledajući u more.En: Ana was walking slowly, thoughtfully looking at the sea.Hr: Ivica je bio njen najbolji prijatelj već godinama.En: Ivica had been her best friend for years.Hr: Uvijek je voljela blagdane, ali ove godine osjećala se usamljeno.En: She always loved the holidays, but this year she felt lonely.Hr: Ivica je postao zauzet svojim planovima, a ona nije bila sigurna gdje točno stoji s njim.En: Ivica had become busy with his plans, and she wasn't sure exactly where she stood with him.Hr: Jednog popodneva, čekajući Ivicu na šetalištu, Ana je slučajno čula njegov razgovor telefonom.En: One afternoon, while waiting for Ivica on the promenade, Ana overheard his phone conversation by chance.Hr: Govorio je o planovima za Božić, a spominjao je "posebnu osobu".En: He was talking about plans for Christmas, and he mentioned a "special person."Hr: Ana je osjetila tupi osjećaj tuge.En: Ana felt a dull sense of sadness.Hr: Pomislila je da možda planira Božić provesti s nekime drugim.En: She thought maybe he was planning to spend Christmas with someone else.Hr: Ivica je prišao sestrane s osmijehom i donio joj čaj od cimeta.En: Ivica came up to her with a smile and brought her cinnamon tea.Hr: "Ana, imam iznenađenje za tebe," rekao je radostan, no ona je već bila na rubu suza.En: "Ana, I have a surprise for you," he said joyfully, but she was already on the verge of tears.Hr: "Ivica, zašto jednostavno nisi rekao da ne misliš provesti Božić sa mnom?En: "Ivica, why didn't you just say you don't plan to spend Christmas with me?"Hr: " Ana je tiho upitala, pokušavajući zadržati glas čvrstim.En: Ana asked quietly, trying to keep her voice steady.Hr: Ivica je zbunjeno gledao, a zatim se nasmijao.En: Ivica looked confused and then laughed.Hr: "Ana, krivo si me shvatila.En: "Ana, you misunderstood me.Hr: Posebna osoba, to si ti!En: The special person, that's you!Hr: Želim tebo dati pozivnicu da dođeš sa mnom i provedeš Božić s mojom obitelji.En: I want to invite you to come with me and spend Christmas with my family.Hr: Pripremio sam sve što voliš.En: I've prepared everything you love.Hr: Čak pečemo tvoje omiljene kolače!En: We're even baking your favorite cakes!"Hr: "Ana se postidjela svog nesporazuma, no osjetila je i olakšanje.En: Ana was embarrassed by her misunderstanding but also felt relieved.Hr: "Oh, Ivica, oprosti.En: "Oh, Ivica, I'm sorry.Hr: Nisam trebala sumnjati.En: I shouldn't have doubted.Hr: To je najljepša stvar koju si mogao napraviti," rekla je kroz osmijeh.En: That's the loveliest thing you could have done," she said with a smile.Hr: Riva je bljeskala u božićnim svjetlima dok su njih dvojica nastavili...

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