Under the Spires: Luka's Journey at the Medieval Festival

FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Under the Spires: Luka's Journey at the Medieval Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/under-the-spires-lukas-journey-at-the-medieval-festival Story Transcript:Hr: Pod zidinama veličanstvene Dioklecijanove palače, u Splitu, usredotočen lomorio je srednjevjekovni festival.En: Under the walls of the magnificent Dioklecijanova palača in Split, a medieval festival was bustling.Hr: Povjetarac nosi miris kestena i začina, dok ljudi veselo prolaze između šarenih štandova.En: A breeze carries the scent of chestnuts and spices as people cheerfully stroll between colorful stalls.Hr: Luka, mladi obrtnik, nosi hrpu svojih ručno izrađenih plašteva, očiju punih nade.En: Luka, a young craftsman, carries a bundle of his handmade cloaks, his eyes full of hope.Hr: Želi prodati dovoljno plašteva da jednog dana otvori vlastiti štand.En: He wants to sell enough cloaks to one day open his own stall.Hr: Ivana, vješta trgovkinja, vješto postavlja svoju robu.En: Ivana, a skilled trader, adeptly arranges her goods.Hr: Luka je zna otprije.En: Luka knows her from before.Hr: Cijeni njezinu mudrost, iako je sumnjičav prema njezinoj tajanstvenosti.En: He appreciates her wisdom, although he's wary of her mysteriousness.Hr: Dario, iskusni trgovac, promatra mladića s udaljenosti, skeptičan, ali znatiželjan prema njegovu radu.En: Dario, an experienced merchant, observes the young man from a distance, skeptical but curious about his work.Hr: Kako dan odmiče, Luka saznaje koliko je teško natjecati se s iskusnijim trgovcima.En: As the day wears on, Luka learns how difficult it is to compete with more experienced merchants.Hr: Njegovi plaštevi su kvalitetni, no mora uvjeriti posjetitelje u to.En: His cloaks are of good quality, but he must convince visitors of this.Hr: Pitajući se što učiniti, odlučuje prići Ivani za savjet.En: Wondering what to do, he decides to approach Ivana for advice.Hr: Ivana, u svom tipičnom stilu, sugerira da bi javna demonstracija mogla pomoći privući više pozornosti.En: In her typical style, Ivana suggests that a public demonstration might help attract more attention.Hr: Luka postavlja mali stol.En: Luka sets up a small table.Hr: Širi jedan od svojih plašteva i počinje pokazivati kako ga pažljivo šiva.En: He spreads out one of his cloaks and begins to demonstrate how he sews it carefully.Hr: Ljudi se okupljaju, zaintrigirani njegovom vještinom.En: People gather, intrigued by his skill.Hr: Dario, među gomilom, prilazi bliže.En: Dario, among the crowd, moves closer.Hr: Zaintrigiran, izaziva Luku da odmah izradi personalizirani plašt za njega.En: Intrigued, he challenges Luka to make a personalized cloak for him on the spot.Hr: Napetost raste.En: Tension rises.Hr: Luka uzima izazov.En: Luka accepts the challenge.Hr: Njegove ruke brzo i vješto rade, a publika je fascinirana.En: His hands work quickly and skillfully, and the audience is fascinated.Hr: Dario se osmjehuje, impresioniran.En: Dario smiles, impressed.Hr: Kada je plašt gotov, Dario ga stavlja na sebe, očito zadovoljavan.En: When the cloak is finished, Dario puts it on, evidently satisfied.Hr: "Luka, ti si pravi majstor," kaže Dario glasno, da svi čuju.En: "Luka, you're a true craftsman," says Dario loudly, for everyone to hear.Hr: "Želim te partnera!En: "I want a partnership with you!"Hr:...

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