The Curious Case of the Christmas Bread and Pigeons
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: The Curious Case of the Christmas Bread and Pigeons Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je stajala ispred glavne policijske postaje u Zagrebu, njezin nos crven od zimskog zraka, odlučna kao nikada prije.En: Ivana stood in front of the main police station in Zagreb, her nose red from the winter air, more determined than ever.Hr: U ruci je čvrsto držala fascikl prepun slika, dijagrama i, kako bi ona rekla, "dokaza" o misterioznom nestanku kruha.En: In her hand, she held tightly a folder full of pictures, diagrams, and what she would call "evidence" of the mysterious bread disappearance.Hr: Bio je Badnjak, i Ivana nije mogla zamisliti bolji poklon nego riješiti ovu zagonetku.En: It was Christmas Eve, and Ivana couldn't imagine a better gift than solving this riddle.Hr: Službenici u postaji bili su zaokupljeni svojim zadacima, ali božićna svjetla i okićeno drvce davali su prostoru toplinu i veselost.En: The officers at the station were engrossed in their tasks, but the Christmas lights and decorated tree gave the place warmth and cheer.Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula i ušla unutra, prateći Marka i Petru, koji su je, sramežljivo ali s osmijehom, pratili.En: Ivana took a deep breath and stepped inside, following Marko and Petra, who shyly but smiling, accompanied her.Hr: "Ivana, jesi li sigurna u ovo?En: "Ivana, are you sure about this?"Hr: " upitao je Marko, pokušavajući zadržati ozbiljno lice.En: asked Marko, trying to keep a straight face.Hr: "Marko, ovo je više od običnog nestalog kruha.En: "Marko, this is more than just a missing loaf of bread.Hr: Ovo je misterija!En: This is a mystery!Hr: Moram to riješiti," odgovorila je Ivana s ozbiljnošću detektiva.En: I have to solve it," replied Ivana with the seriousness of a detective.Hr: Petra, koja je uvijek bila otvorena za Ivane ideje, podržala je njezin entuzijazam.En: Petra, who was always open to Ivana's ideas, supported her enthusiasm.Hr: "Ako Ivana kaže da su golubovi krivi, onda oni vjerojatno imaju plan," nasmijala se.En: "If Ivana says the pigeons are guilty, then they probably have a plan," she laughed.Hr: Kad su stigli do službenika za pultom, Ivana je hrabro krenula s pričom.En: When they reached the officer at the counter, Ivana bravely started the story.Hr: "Dobar dan, imam slučaj za vas.En: "Good day, I have a case for you.Hr: Moj kruh je ukraden, a sumnjam da su golubovi organizirali ovu krađu," rekla je s uvjerenjem.En: My bread was stolen, and I suspect the pigeons organized this theft," she said with conviction.Hr: Službenik ih je pogledao iznad ruba naočala, a zatim, siskajući usne da ne prasne u smijeh, rekao: "Dobro, da čujemo.En: The officer looked at them over the rim of his glasses, then, pursing his lips to avoid bursting into laughter, said, "Alright, let's hear it."Hr: "Ivana je otvorila fascikl i počela prezentaciju.En: Ivana opened the folder and began her presentation.Hr: "Ovdje su slike tragova krušnih mrvica koje vode do parka.En: "Here are the pictures of breadcrumb trails leading to the park.Hr: A ovo su dijagrami s označenim 'perje-pad zonama'.En: And these are diagrams marked with 'feather-drop zones.'"Hr: "Marko se držao za čelo i uzdahnuo, dok je Petra promatrala reakcije policajaca s veseljem.En: Marko held his forehead and sighed, while Petra watched the officers' reactions with delight.Hr:...