Tea House Bonds: A Christmas Tale of Friendship & Bravery
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Tea House Bonds: A Christmas Tale of Friendship & Bravery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Utišana svjetlost malih lampica povijala je topli ambijent čajane u Zagrebu.En: The dimmed light of small lamps shaped the warm ambiance of a tea house in Zagreb.Hr: Zrake su plesale po drvenim stolovima, a zrak je mirisao na cimet i klinčiće.En: Beams danced on the wooden tables, and the air smelled of cinnamon and cloves.Hr: Bili su Božićni blagdani, najljepše doba godine.En: It was the Christmas holidays, the most beautiful time of the year.Hr: Ivan je sjedio za jednim kutnim stolom.En: Ivan was sitting at a corner table.Hr: Skicirao je.En: He was sketching.Hr: Olovka mu je lagano klizila papirom dok je promatrao ljude.En: His pencil gently glided over the paper as he watched the people.Hr: Kroz staklo, pahulje snijega nježno su padale, stvarajući još topliju atmosferu unutra.En: Through the glass, snowflakes gently fell, creating an even warmer atmosphere inside.Hr: Marina, vedra vlasnica čajane, poslužila je Ivanov omiljeni zeleni čaj.En: Marina, the cheerful owner of the tea house, served Ivan's favorite green tea.Hr: "Sretan Božić, Ivane," rekla je veselo.En: "Merry Christmas, Ivane," she said cheerfully.Hr: "I kako ide crtanje danas?En: "And how's the drawing going today?"Hr: "Ivan se nasmiješio: "Dobro, hvala, Marina.En: Ivan smiled: "Good, thank you, Marina.Hr: Veselim se druženju s Lukom.En: I'm looking forward to meeting up with Luka.Hr: Nisam ga vidio godinama.En: I haven't seen him in years."Hr: "Uskoro, Luka je stigao.En: Soon, Luka arrived.Hr: Donio je sa sobom miris hladnoće i sjetu.En: He brought with him the scent of cold and nostalgia.Hr: Povukao je stolac do Ivanova stola i oni su odmah započeli razgovor.En: He pulled a chair over to Ivan's table, and they started talking right away.Hr: Marina im je donijela čaj od đumbira i medenjake.En: Marina brought them ginger tea and gingerbread cookies.Hr: U trenutku pažnje, Ivan je primijetio da Luka počinje disati teško.En: In a moment of attention, Ivan noticed that Luka began to breathe heavily.Hr: Nije mogao izustiti ni riječ, a lice mu je postajalo sve crvenije.En: He couldn't utter a word, and his face was becoming increasingly red.Hr: Ivan je u panici skočio.En: Ivan jumped up in panic.Hr: "Luka!En: "Luka!"Hr: " povikao je.En: he shouted.Hr: "Što se događa?En: "What's happening?"Hr: "Luka je rukom pokazao na grlo, već suze u očima.En: Luka pointed to his throat, already tears in his eyes.Hr: Ivan je shvatio ozbiljnost situacije.En: Ivan realized the seriousness of the situation.Hr: „Alergija!En: "An allergy!"Hr: “ Promrmljao je naglas.En: he mumbled out loud.Hr: Marina je brzo reagirala.En: Marina quickly reacted.Hr: "Čekaj ovdje!En: "Wait here!"Hr: " rekla je i brzo skočila iza šanka.En: she said and quickly jumped behind the counter.Hr: Vratila se s priručnom kutijom prve pomoći.En: She returned with a first aid kit.Hr: Ivan je drhtavim rukama preuzeo EpiPen i kleknuo pored Luke.En: Ivan, with trembling hands, took the EpiPen and knelt beside Luka.Hr: Ruke su mu se tresle, ali uspio je primijeniti...