Squirrel Shenanigans: Laughter and Camaraderie in Autumn

FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Squirrel Shenanigans: Laughter and Camaraderie in Autumn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-10-30-22-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je stajala na pragu svoje kuće, pogledu duboko utonulog u šume koje su okruživale selo.En: Ivana stood on the threshold of her house, her gaze deeply immersed in the woods surrounding the village.Hr: Lišće je nježno padalo, stvarajući šaren tepih na tlu.En: The leaves gently fell, creating a colorful carpet on the ground.Hr: Bližio se Dan Svih Svetih, i Ivana je željela da njezino dvorište bude savršeno.En: All Saints' Day was approaching, and Ivana wanted her yard to be perfect.Hr: Ona je bila poznata po svom urednom vrtu, i nadala se da će susjedi primijetiti njezin trud.En: She was known for her tidy garden and hoped the neighbors would notice her effort.Hr: Petar, njezin susjed i prijatelj od djetinjstva, upravo je dolazio.En: Petar, her neighbor and childhood friend, was just coming over.Hr: On je bio opušten, uvijek sklon šalama.En: He was relaxed, always inclined to joke.Hr: S njim je bio Luka, njegov mlađi rođak, poznat po nestašlucima i znatiželji.En: With him was Luka, his younger cousin, known for his mischief and curiosity.Hr: „Ivana, sve je spremno za zimu?En: "Ivana, is everything ready for winter?"Hr: “ upitao je Petar, s osmijehom na licu.En: asked Petar, with a smile on his face.Hr: „Skoro,“ odgovorila je Ivana, brižno gledajući nered od lišća.En: "Almost," Ivana replied, looking caringly at the mess of leaves.Hr: „Ali vjeverice mi otežavaju posao.En: "But the squirrels are making my job harder.Hr: Kradu mi alat i svugdje zakopavaju lješnjake!En: They're stealing my tools and burying hazelnuts everywhere!"Hr: “Petar se nasmijao.En: Petar laughed.Hr: „Možda samo žele pomoći.En: "Maybe they just want to help.Hr: Ili prirediti zabavu!En: Or throw a party!"Hr: “„Nije smiješno,“ progunđa Ivana, ali sa smiješkom.En: "It's not funny," Ivana grumbled, but with a smile.Hr: Zatim se okrenula prema Luki.En: Then she turned to Luka.Hr: „Luka, hoćeš mi pomoći?En: "Luka, will you help me?Hr: Tvoja energija bi mi mogla dobro doći.En: Your energy might come in handy."Hr: “Luka je živahno kimnuo.En: Luka nodded energetically.Hr: „Naravno, Ivana!En: "Of course, Ivana!Hr: Možemo ih prevariti!En: We can outsmart them!"Hr: “Tako su skovali plan.En: Thus, they devised a plan.Hr: Dok je Ivana pazila na vrt, Luka je montirao mali stražarski toranj, a Petar, iako uz smijeh i šalu, pomagao je koliko je mogao.En: While Ivana tended to the garden, Luka set up a small watchtower, and Petar, despite the laughter and jokes, helped as much as he could.Hr: Nedaleko, vjeverice su ih promatrale, spremne na svoje zagonetne manevre.En: Nearby, the squirrels watched them, ready for their enigmatic maneuvers.Hr: Ubrzo, plan je stupio na snagu.En: Soon, the plan was put into action.Hr: Luka je razmjestio lažne klopke, a Ivana se posvetila grabljanju i skupljanju lišća.En: Luka set up fake traps, and Ivana focused on raking and collecting leaves.Hr: Petar je, s sjekirom u ruci, pazio na svaku naizgled mirnu vjevericu.En: Petar, with an axe in hand, kept an eye on every seemingly calm squirrel.Hr: „Pazi!En: "Watch out!"Hr: “ uzviknuo je Luka kad je...

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