Secrets Beneath Diocletian's Palace: A Yuletide Discovery

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Secrets Beneath Diocletian's Palace: A Yuletide Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U magičnom gradu Splitu, okruženim zimskim povjetarcem i blagdanskim lampicama, stoji impresivna silueta Dioklecijanove palače.En: In the magical city of Split, surrounded by the winter breeze and holiday lights, stands the impressive silhouette of Dioklecijanova palača (Diocletian's Palace).Hr: Dok su zvona katedrale Svetog Duje odzvanjala u pozadini, Ivana je stajala s mapom u ruci ispod svjetlosti ulične svjetiljke.En: As the bells of the katedrala Svetog Duje (Cathedral of Saint Domnius) echoed in the background, Ivana stood with a map in her hand under the light of a streetlamp.Hr: Osmijeh joj je bio širak, oči sjajne od uzbuđenja.En: Her smile was wide, her eyes bright with excitement.Hr: Ovo je bilo njezino vrijeme.En: This was her moment.Hr: Uz nju, Marko je prekrstio ruke, mrmljajući ispod glasa.En: Next to her, Marko crossed his arms, murmuring under his breath.Hr: "Ivana, ovo je zabluda.En: "Ivana, this is an illusion.Hr: Legendama nije mjesto u ozbiljnoj povijesti.En: Legends have no place in serious history."Hr: ""Ali, Marko," rekla je, njezine riječi u obliku mekog izgovora sa čežnjom.En: "But, Marko," she said, her words a soft utterance of longing.Hr: "Zamisli što bismo mogli otkriti dolje.En: "Imagine what we could discover down there.Hr: Dva tjedna sam proučavala ovu kartu.En: I've been studying this map for two weeks.Hr: Simboli, natpisi.En: The symbols, the inscriptions.Hr: Sve ima smisla.En: It all makes sense."Hr: "Krenuli su prema ulazu u tunele ispod palače.En: They headed towards the entrance to the tunnels beneath the palace.Hr: Svaki korak bio je poput šaptaja povijesti.En: Each step was like a whisper of history.Hr: Ulaz je bio hladan, a zrak je nosio vlažni miris davnine.En: The entrance was cold, and the air carried a damp scent of antiquity.Hr: Ivana je predvodila, baterija u ruci, osvjetljavajući kamenje staro stotinama godina.En: Ivana led the way, flashlight in hand, illuminating stones hundreds of years old.Hr: Marko je slijedio, pazeći na svaki korak.En: Marko followed, careful with each step.Hr: Dok su se kretali dublje u labirint, hladnoća je prodirala kroz njihove kapute.En: As they moved deeper into the labyrinth, the chill seeped through their coats.Hr: Ivana je tutnjila o rimskim običajima, trudeći se pohoditi Markovu skeptičnost pričama o hrabrosti i avanturama, ali Marko je bio uporan u svom neuvjerljivom izrazu.En: Ivana spoke about Roman customs, striving to sway Marko's skepticism with tales of bravery and adventures, but Marko remained steadfastly unconvinced.Hr: Naposljetku, dok su se zarili u srce mračnih tunela, nešto im je privuklo pažnju.En: Eventually, as they delved into the heart of the dark tunnels, something caught their attention.Hr: Na zidu ispred njih nalazila se složena rezbarija.En: On the wall in front of them was an intricate carving.Hr: Simbol sa mape savršeno se uklopio u tu sliku—a znak sunca nad morem.En: The symbol from the map fit perfectly into this image—a sign of the sun over the sea.Hr: Bio je to trenutak tišine.En: It was a moment of silence.Hr: "Samo mit?En: "Only a myth?"Hr: " upitala je Ivana uzbuđeno, gledajući Marka s izazovom u očima.

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