Relic Amidst the Trees: Siblings' Journey Through Peril and Bond
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Relic Amidst the Trees: Siblings' Journey Through Peril and Bond Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Luka je hodao ispred, a Ivana ga je pratila s pažnjom kakvu bi imala starija sestra.En: Luka walked ahead, while Ivana followed him with the attention of an older sister.Hr: Gusta šuma kraj Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera bila je tiha i mirna, ali skriveni znakovi uokolo upozoravali su na poteškoće.En: The dense forest near Plitvice Lakes National Park was quiet and calm, but hidden signs around warned of difficulties.Hr: Luka je bio odlučan pronaći staru obiteljsku relikviju o kojoj je baka govorila prije smrti.En: Luka was determined to find the old family relic that their grandmother spoke of before her death.Hr: Ivana je bila uz njega, iako je nosila teret nedavnih obiteljskih problema.En: Ivana was with him, even though she bore the burden of recent family issues.Hr: "Baka je rekla da se relikvija krije u skrivenoj pećini," reče Luka, pretražujući zemlju oko sebe.En: "Grandma said the relic is hidden in a secret cave," said Luka, searching the ground around him.Hr: "Moramo nastaviti dalje."En: "We have to keep going."Hr: Ivana je kimnula, iako joj je srce bilo teško.En: Ivana nodded, even though her heart felt heavy.Hr: Njezin brat jurio je za prošlošću dok je ona brinula za sadašnjost.En: Her brother was chasing the past while she was concerned about the present.Hr: Guste krošnje drveća su ih pokrivale, a šum padajuće vode čuo se u daljini.En: The thick tree canopies covered them, and the sound of falling water could be heard in the distance.Hr: "Znaš li gdje idemo?" upitala je tiho, znajući koliko mu znači ovo putovanje.En: "Do you know where we’re going?" she asked quietly, knowing how much this journey meant to him.Hr: "Ja... mislim da znam," odgovori Luka, vrteći mapu u rukama.En: "I... think I do," Luka responded, turning the map in his hands.Hr: Prošli su kroz uske staze, preskakali potoke i nosili se s korijenjem koje ih je saplitalo.En: They passed through narrow paths, leapt over streams, and dealt with roots that tripped them up.Hr: Šuma je bila predivna, ali i opasna.En: The forest was beautiful but also dangerous.Hr: "Čekaj," reče odjednom Luka i zastade.En: "Wait," Luka suddenly said and stopped.Hr: "Čuo si nešto?"En: "Did you hear something?"Hr: Ivana skupi hrabrost i priđe bliže Luki.En: Ivana gathered her courage and stepped closer to Luka.Hr: U daljini je vidjela tamnu pećinu.En: In the distance, she saw a dark cave.Hr: Luka je odlučio krenuti prema tom tamnom prolazu iako su legende govorile da je opasno.En: Luka decided to head toward that dark passage even though the legends said it was dangerous.Hr: "Možda nije sigurno..." pokušala je upozoriti ga.En: "Maybe it’s not safe..." she tried to warn him.Hr: "Moramo pokušati," odvrati Luka odlučno.En: "We have to try," Luka replied firmly.Hr: Hodali su oprezno prema pećini.En: They walked cautiously toward the cave.Hr: No, kamenje je bilo sklisko, a tlo nesigurno.En: But the stones were slippery, and the ground was unstable.Hr: Ivana je pokušavala pratiti, ali je naglo pala i ozlijedila nogu.En: Ivana tried to keep up, but she suddenly fell and injured her leg.Hr: "Ah!" povikala je, bol ju je...