New Beginnings at Island Boarding School: Lessons from Luka & Ivana

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: New Beginnings at Island Boarding School: Lessons from Luka & Ivana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Nad morem plavo, na otoku okruženom maslinicima i vinogradima, stoji staro školsko zdanje.En: Over the blue sea, on an island surrounded by olive groves and vineyards, stands an old school building.Hr: To je prestižni internat, daleko od kopna, na mirnom otoku.En: It is a prestigious boarding school, far from the mainland, on a peaceful island.Hr: Ljeto je u punom jeku.En: Summer is in full swing.Hr: Zvuk valova udara o kamenite obale, stvarajući spokojni prizor.En: The sound of waves crashing against the rocky shores creates a serene scene.Hr: Luka je mladi nastavnik povijesti.En: Luka is a young history teacher.Hr: Ovo je njegova prva godina u školi.En: This is his first year at the school.Hr: Daleko je od doma i želi dokazati sebe.En: He is far from home and wants to prove himself.Hr: Ivana, s druge strane, već godinama predaje jezične umjetnosti.En: Ivana, on the other hand, has been teaching language arts for years.Hr: Ona je domaća, odrasla je na otoku.En: She is a local and grew up on the island.Hr: Nedavno se razišla s voljenim, i srce joj je slomljeno.En: She recently separated from her beloved, and her heart is broken.Hr: Luka često osjeti težinu odgovornosti.En: Luka often feels the weight of responsibility.Hr: Učenici ga ne shvaćaju ozbiljno, a kolege ga gledaju sumnjičavo.En: The students do not take him seriously, and his colleagues look at him with suspicion.Hr: Ivana, zaokupljena vlastitim emocijama, nije mu ponudila pomoć.En: Ivana, preoccupied with her own emotions, has not offered him any help.Hr: No, Luka je odlučan.En: But Luka is determined.Hr: Želi zadobiti poštovanje.En: He wants to earn respect.Hr: Zato smišlja specijalnu lekciju za blagdan Velike Gospe.En: So, he plans a special lesson for the Feast of the Assumption.Hr: “Moji učenici neće zaboraviti ovaj dan,” kaže Luka.En: "My students will not forget this day," Luka says.Hr: Došao je dan lekcije.En: The day of the lesson arrived.Hr: Učenici su u učionici, ali sve izmiče kontroli.En: The students are in the classroom, but everything is slipping out of control.Hr: Djeca ne slušaju; pričaju između sebe.En: The children are not listening; they are talking among themselves.Hr: Luka pokušava održati red, no bez uspjeha.En: Luka tries to maintain order but without success.Hr: Ivana sve to gleda.En: Ivana watches it all.Hr: Na licu joj se vidi unutarnja borba.En: Her face shows an inner struggle.Hr: Konačno ustaje, a Luka joj mahnito daje znak da prilazi.En: Finally, she stands up, and Luka frantically signals her to come over.Hr: “Ivano, možeš li pomoći?” upita Luka.En: "Ivana, can you help?" Luka asks.Hr: Ivana duboko udahne, smješkajući se lagano.En: Ivana takes a deep breath, smiling slightly.Hr: “Naravno, Luka.”En: "Of course, Luka."Hr: S njezinom pomoći, lekcija počinje imati smisla.En: With her help, the lesson starts to make sense.Hr: Ivana prepričava priče iz svog djetinjstva, povezujući ih s Marijinim uznesenjem.En: Ivana tells stories from her childhood, connecting them with the...

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