Mysteries of Dubrovnik: Unearthing the Hidden Relic

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mysteries of Dubrovnik: Unearthing the Hidden Relic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Grad Dubrovnik uvijek je bio prepun tajni.En: The city of Dubrovnik was always full of secrets.Hr: Jednog sunčanog jutra, Ivana, Marko i Petra susreli su se ispred povijesne kuće u Starom gradu.En: One sunny morning, Ivana, Marko, and Petra met in front of a historic house in the Old Town.Hr: Ivana je pogledala na sat.En: Ivana checked her watch.Hr: "Gdje je nestala naša obiteljska relikvija?En: "Where has our family relic disappeared to?"Hr: " rekla je zabrinuto.En: she said worriedly.Hr: Relikvija je bila stara preko stotinu godina, a nitko nije znao gdje je.En: The relic was over a hundred years old, and no one knew where it was.Hr: Marko, njezin brat, uzdahnuo je.En: Marko, her brother, sighed.Hr: "Netko je morao uzeti.En: "Someone must have taken it.Hr: Možda je još tu, u Starom gradu," odgovorio je.En: Maybe it's still here, in the Old Town," he replied.Hr: Petra, njihova prijateljica, složila se.En: Petra, their friend, agreed.Hr: "Počnimo tražiti," predložila je.En: "Let's start searching," she suggested.Hr: Hodali su uskim ulicama Dubrovnika.En: They walked through the narrow streets of Dubrovnik.Hr: "Pogledajmo u Kneževom dvoru," rekla je Petra.En: "Let's look in the Rector's Palace," Petra said.Hr: "Tamo bi moglo biti nešto zanimljivo.En: "There might be something interesting there."Hr: " Ušli su u dvor i pažljivo proučavali svaki kutak.En: They entered the palace and carefully examined every corner.Hr: No, ništa.En: But, nothing.Hr: Nakon toga, odlučili su posjetiti zidine grada.En: After that, they decided to visit the city walls.Hr: Penjali su se na visoke zidine i uživali u pogledu.En: They climbed the high walls and enjoyed the view.Hr: "Ovdje je tako lijepo," rekla je Ivana, ali još uvijek nisu pronašli tragove relikvije.En: "It's so beautiful here," said Ivana, but they still hadn't found any clues about the relic.Hr: Odjednom, Marko je ugledao nešto sjajno u malom otvoru zida.En: Suddenly, Marko saw something shiny in a small wall opening.Hr: "Pogledaj ovo!En: "Look at this!"Hr: " povikao je.En: he shouted.Hr: Svi su se približili otvoru i vidjeli mali ključ.En: They all approached the opening and saw a small key inside.Hr: "Što otvara ovaj ključ?En: "What does this key open?"Hr: " zapitala se Petra.En: wondered Petra.Hr: Nastavili su tražiti po gradu, ključ u ruci.En: They continued searching the city, key in hand.Hr: Tada su se sjetili kuće stare dame Marije koja je bila poznata po pričama o skrivenom blagu.En: Then they remembered the house of old lady Marija, who was known for her stories about hidden treasure.Hr: Posjetili su Mariju.En: They visited Marija.Hr: "Marija, možeš li nam pomoći?En: "Marija, can you help us?"Hr: " upitala je Ivana.En: asked Ivana.Hr: Marija se nasmijala.En: Marija laughed.Hr: "Naravno, djeco.En: "Of course, children.Hr: Imate ključ.En: You have the key.Hr: Idite do stare počasne kule.En: Go to the old honor tower.Hr: Tamo je odgovor.En: There you will find...

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