Mysteries of Candlelit Gravestones: Ana and Luka's Discovery

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Mysteries of Candlelit Gravestones: Ana and Luka's Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu jesenje Slavonije, omanje selo se budi pod svjetlom svijeća i mirisom cvijeća.En: In the heart of autumnal Slavonija, a small village awakens under the light of candles and the scent of flowers.Hr: Dan je pred Dan svih svetih, blagdana koji okuplja cijelo selo.En: It is the day before All Saints' Day, a holiday that gathers the entire village.Hr: Ana, ambiciozna tinejdžerka s ljubavlju prema povijesti, ima poseban plan za školski projekt.En: Ana, an ambitious teenager with a love for history, has a special plan for her school project.Hr: Njena učiteljica zatražila je od nje i njenog partnera, Luke, istražiti lokalnu povijest.En: Her teacher asked her and her partner, Luka, to research local history.Hr: Za Anu, ovo je prilika da otkrije zaboravljene priče.En: For Ana, this is an opportunity to uncover forgotten stories.Hr: Luka, međutim, ne vidi poantu.En: Luka, however, doesn't see the point.Hr: "Zašto gledati u prošlost kad je budućnost ispred nas?En: "Why look to the past when the future is ahead of us?"Hr: " pita on, skeptičan.En: he asks, skeptical.Hr: Unatoč Lukinom opiranju, Ana odlučuje posjetiti mjesno groblje.En: Despite Luka's resistance, Ana decides to visit the local cemetery.Hr: Ondje, na Dan svih svetih, svijeće svijetle poput zvijezda, a miris krizantema ispunjava zrak.En: There, on All Saints' Day, candles shine like stars, and the scent of chrysanthemums fills the air.Hr: Ana se nada pronaći priče i artefakte koji pričaju odu prošlim generacijama.En: Ana hopes to find stories and artifacts that speak of past generations.Hr: "Luka, idemo na groblje," Ana predlaže s iskrom u očima.En: "Luka, let's go to the cemetery," Ana suggests with a spark in her eye.Hr: Luka oklijeva, ali pristaje.En: Luka hesitates but agrees.Hr: "Dobro, ali samo jer nemamo mnogo vremena," kaže on.En: "Alright, but only because we don't have much time," he says.Hr: Na groblju, svi su tihi, gotovo sveti.En: At the cemetery, everyone is quiet, almost reverent.Hr: Hodaju stazama ukrašenim cvijećem i svijećama.En: They walk the paths adorned with flowers and candles.Hr: Ana staje pred starim grobom svoje bake.En: Ana stops in front of her grandmother's old grave.Hr: Tu, pod slojem jesenjeg lišća, nalazi malu kutiju.En: There, beneath a layer of autumn leaves, she finds a small box.Hr: Otvorivši je, pronalazi stari medaljon.En: Opening it, she discovers an old locket.Hr: Na njemu je datum i poruka ljubavi.En: On it is a date and a message of love.Hr: "Ovaj medaljon nosila je moja baka kad se udala," objašnjava Ana, oči su joj ispunjene ponosom.En: "This locket was worn by my grandmother when she got married," Ana explains, her eyes filled with pride.Hr: Luka pažljivo drži medaljon.En: Luka carefully holds the locket.Hr: "Ako ga stavimo u naš projekt, ispričat ćemo priču o njenom životu," predlaže Ana.En: "If we put it in our project, we'll tell the story of her life," Ana suggests.Hr: Tog trenutka Luka promijeni mišljenje.En: At that moment, Luka changes his mind.Hr: Po prvi put, osjeća vezu s prošlošću.En: For the first time, he feels a connection to the past.

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