Missed Flights & Unseen Opportunities: Ivan's Journey Begins Anew

FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Missed Flights & Unseen Opportunities: Ivan's Journey Begins Anew Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/missed-flights-unseen-opportunities-ivans-journey-begins-anew Story Transcript:Hr: Ivan je stajao ispred Dubrovnik međunarodne zračne luke, njegov um ispunjen strepnjom.En: Ivan stood in front of Dubrovnik International Airport, his mind filled with anxiety.Hr: Jesen je bila u punom jeku, zrak svjež, a u daljini je sunce dodirivalo mirne plave valove.En: Autumn was in full swing, the air was fresh, and in the distance, the sun touched the calm blue waves.Hr: Trebao je uhvatiti let za novi posao u inozemstvu, ali neočekivane gužve u prometu otežale su mu dolazak na vrijeme.En: He was supposed to catch a flight for a new job abroad, but unexpected traffic jams made arriving on time difficult.Hr: Dok je Ivan trčao prema sigurnosnoj provjeri, srce mu je ubrzano kucalo.En: As Ivan ran towards the security check, his heart was pounding.Hr: Putnici su se kretali u svim smjerovima, tražeći svoju destinaciju.En: Passengers moved in all directions, searching for their destination.Hr: Ivan se molio da stigne na vrijeme.En: Ivan prayed he would make it on time.Hr: Ali kada je stigao do njegovog izlaza, čuo je glas preko razglasa: „Zadnji poziv za let XY123.En: But when he reached his gate, he heard the announcement: "Last call for flight XY123."Hr: “Osvrnuo se i ugledao Marinu i Petra u redu ispred sebe.En: He looked around and saw Marina and Petar in line in front of him.Hr: Žurno ih je zamolio da ga puste naprijed.En: He urgently asked them to let him go ahead.Hr: „Žurim,“ rekao je, „moram stići na taj let!En: "I'm in a hurry," he said, "I must catch that flight!"Hr: “ Njihova ljubaznost bila je dovoljna da osjeti malo nade.En: Their kindness was enough to give him a glimmer of hope.Hr: Ali, kad je stigao do izlaza, vrata su se već zatvorila.En: However, when he reached the gate, the doors had already closed.Hr: Ivan je osjetio kako ga preplavljuje val tuge.En: Ivan felt a wave of sadness wash over him.Hr: Propustio je let.En: He had missed the flight.Hr: Sjeo je na klupu blizu prozora, gledajući avionsku pistu.En: He sat on a bench near the window, watching the airplane runway.Hr: Osjećao se izgubljeno.En: He felt lost.Hr: Nekoliko trenutaka kasnije, Marina i Petar prišli su mu.En: A few moments later, Marina and Petar approached him.Hr: „Znaš,“ rekla je Marina, „sve se događa s razlogom.En: "You know," Marina said, "everything happens for a reason."Hr: “ Petar kimne i reče: „Možda je ovo prilika za nešto novo.En: Petar nodded and said, "Maybe this is an opportunity for something new."Hr: “Ivan je duboko udahnuo.En: Ivan took a deep breath.Hr: Onda je shvatio nešto.En: Then he realized something.Hr: Možda je ovo dobro.En: Maybe this was good.Hr: Imao je vremena promisliti o svemu.En: He had time to think about everything.Hr: Odlučio je odgoditi svoje putovanje za idući dan i rezervirao sljedeći dostupni let.En: He decided to postpone his trip for the next day and booked the next available flight.Hr: Unatoč osjećaju poraza, doživio je nevjerojatno olakšanje.En: Despite the feeling of defeat, he experienced incredible relief.Hr: U tom trenutku, Ivan je shvatio da životne prepreke mogu otvoriti nova vrata.En: At that...

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