Midnight Adventure: Ivana's Leap Beyond Dubrovnik
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Midnight Adventure: Ivana's Leap Beyond Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-30-08-38-19-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Zvijezde su treperile na vedrom noćnom nebu iznad Dubrovnika, dok su se svjetla grada odražavala na tihoj površini Jadranskog mora.En: The stars twinkled in the clear night sky above Dubrovnik, as the city's lights reflected on the tranquil surface of the Adriatic Sea.Hr: Zvonik je pokazivao skoro ponoć.En: The bell tower showed it was nearly midnight.Hr: Zima je bila hladna, ali atmosfera na gradskim zidinama bila je puna iščekivanja.En: Winter was cold, but the atmosphere on the city walls was full of anticipation.Hr: Ivana, stražarka na tvrđavi, stajala je uz Marka, svoga vjernog kolegu.En: Ivana, a guard at the fortress, stood next to Marko, her loyal colleague.Hr: Oči su joj sanjivo gledale prema dalekom horizontu.En: Her eyes dreamily gazed toward the distant horizon.Hr: "Ivana, još uvijek sanjariš o svijetu izvan zidina?" upitao je Marko s osmijehom.En: "Ivana, are you still dreaming of the world beyond the walls?" Marko asked with a smile.Hr: "Da, Marko," odgovorila je tiho, "želim vidjeti što leži iza ovih granica."En: "Yes, Marko," she replied softly, "I want to see what lies beyond these borders."Hr: Dok su to govorili, do njih je došao Ljubo, stranac s pričama o dalekim zemljama i čudima.En: As they spoke, Ljubo, a stranger with tales of distant lands and wonders, approached them.Hr: Njegove riječi bile su kao vjetar koji raspršuje prah snova.En: His words were like a wind scattering the dust of dreams.Hr: "Ivana, sretna Nova godina," pozdravio ju je Ljubo s bljeskom u očima.En: "Ivana, happy New Year," greeted Ljubo with a sparkle in his eyes.Hr: "Vrijeme je za pustolovinu."En: "It's time for an adventure."Hr: Ivana se nasmiješila. San o nepoznatom ispunjavao je njeno srce željom.En: Ivana smiled. The dream of the unknown filled her heart with longing.Hr: Ali, na umu joj je bila dužnost. Ostati na straži ili poći u nepoznato?En: But duty was on her mind. Stay on guard or venture into the unknown?Hr: "Sada ili nikada," rekao je Ljubo, dodajući drvo na vatru njenog nemira.En: "Now or never," said Ljubo, adding fuel to the fire of her restlessness.Hr: Zvona su počela otkucavati polnoć.En: The bells began to ring midnight.Hr: Grad je zadrhtao od veselje, a zrak je bio ispunjen povicima i smijehom.En: The city trembled with joy, and the air was filled with shouts and laughter.Hr: Marko je primijetio njenu dvojbu.En: Marko noticed her dilemma.Hr: "Ivana, što god odlučiš, uz tebe sam."En: "Ivana, whatever you decide, I'm with you."Hr: Dok su se zvukovi veselja sve više približavali, Ivana je duboko udahnula.En: As the sounds of celebration drew closer, Ivana took a deep breath.Hr: Srce joj je ubrzano kucalo.En: Her heart raced.Hr: S osmijehom se okrenula prema Ljubi.En: With a smile, she turned to Ljubo.Hr: "Idem s tobom."En: "I'm going with you."Hr: Bilo je to kao buđenje iz dugog sna.En: It was like waking from a long dream.Hr: Ivana je skinula svoj čuvarski ogrtač, rezolutna u svojoj odluci.En: Ivana removed her guard's cloak, resolute in her decision.Hr: Iskradali su se preko zidina, dok je grad eksplodirao u vatrometu novog početka.En: They slipped over the walls, as the city exploded in the fireworks of a...