Melting Fears: A Nurse's Warmth in Zagreb's Winter Chill
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Melting Fears: A Nurse's Warmth in Zagreb's Winter Chill Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Snijeg je lagano padao na prozor bolnice u Zagrebu.En: Snow was gently falling on the window of the hospital in Zagreb.Hr: Ispod pokrivača, pacijenti su tražili utjehu.En: Under the covers, patients were seeking comfort.Hr: Ambulanta je bila puna ljudi koji su se vratili sa zimskih praznika.En: The emergency room was full of people returning from winter holidays.Hr: Miroslav, iscrpljeni medicinski brat, prolazio je hodnikom od sobe do sobe.En: Miroslav, an exhausted male nurse, was walking through the corridor from room to room.Hr: Njegov osmijeh i dalje je bio topao, ali oči su mu bile umorne.En: His smile was still warm, but his eyes were tired.Hr: U jednoj sobi sjedila je Lana, mlada žena stisnuta na rubu kreveta.En: In one room sat Lana, a young woman perched on the edge of the bed.Hr: Ove medicinske kontrole uvijek su je ispunjavale tjeskobom.En: These medical check-ups always filled her with anxiety.Hr: Misli joj nisu davale mira.En: Her thoughts would not give her peace.Hr: "Što ako nešto nije u redu?En: "What if something is wrong?"Hr: " stalno si je ponavljala.En: she kept repeating to herself.Hr: Miroslav je pokucao i lagano ušao.En: Miroslav knocked and gently entered.Hr: "Lana, kako ste danas?En: "Lana, how are you today?"Hr: " Upitao je pažljivo.En: he asked carefully.Hr: "Ne mogu se osloboditi osjećaja anksioznosti", prizna Lana, igrajući se rukama.En: "I can't shake off this feeling of anxiety," Lana admitted, fiddling with her hands.Hr: Miroslav je odlučio promijeniti taktiku.En: Miroslav decided to change his approach.Hr: Sjeo je pokraj nje, pričajući priču o svojoj baki iz Siska i njihovim zajedničkim zimama.En: He sat next to her, telling a story about his grandmother from Sisak and their winters together.Hr: "Uspavljivala me pričama dok sam se bojao hladnih noći.En: "She would lull me to sleep with stories when I was afraid of the cold nights.Hr: Govorila bi mi da možemo preobraziti strah u snove.En: She would tell me that we can transform fear into dreams."Hr: "Lana je polako opustila ramena.En: Lana slowly relaxed her shoulders.Hr: "Možda mogu i ja", prošaptala je.En: "Maybe I can too," she whispered.Hr: No, kada je došlo vrijeme da vidi rezultate, srce joj je opet brzo tuklo.En: However, when the time came to see the results, her heart once again beat rapidly.Hr: Burama emocija pokazivala je znakove panike.En: In a storm of emotions, she showed signs of panic.Hr: Miroslav je to primijetio i nježno je, ali odlučno umirio.En: Miroslav noticed this and gently but firmly reassured her.Hr: "Duboko udahnite, sve će biti u redu.En: "Take a deep breath, everything will be fine."Hr: "Nakon nekoliko trenutaka branjenja, Lana je konačno čula riječi koje je trebala: "Sve je u redu.En: After a few moments of reassurance, Lana finally heard the words she needed: "Everything is fine.Hr: Vaše zdravlje je dobro.En: Your health is good."Hr: "Osjećaj olakšanja preplavio je Lanu.En: A sense of relief washed over Lana.Hr: Oslobodila je velik uzdah zahvalnosti.En: She let out a big sigh of gratitude.Hr: "Hvala vam", rekla je Miroslavu, s...