Love, Allergies, and Adventure in Autumn Zagreb

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love, Allergies, and Adventure in Autumn Zagreb Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U sredi užurbanog Zagreba, jesen donosi miris lišća i osjećaj hladnoće u zraku.En: In the bustling center of Zagreb, autumn brings the smell of leaves and a chill in the air.Hr: Tog dana, Muzej znanosti bio je posebno živahan.En: That day, the Museum of Science was particularly lively.Hr: Bližio se Dan mrtvih, a muzejski hodnici bili su prepuni šarenih ukrasa i veselog smijeha posjetitelja koji su uživali u izložbi koja je slavila spoj znanosti i kulture.En: All Saints' Day was approaching, and the museum corridors were filled with colorful decorations and the cheerful laughter of visitors enjoying an exhibition celebrating the blend of science and culture.Hr: Ivan i Mira, mladi par, stajali su pred ulazom.En: Ivan and Mira, a young couple, stood at the entrance.Hr: Ivan, često zaboravan, ali pun ljubavi, bio je uzbuđen.En: Ivan, often forgetful but full of love, was excited.Hr: Danas je htio osigurati da Mira ima nezaboravno iskustvo.En: Today, he wanted to ensure that Mira had an unforgettable experience.Hr: Mira je bila znatiželjna i uvijek spremna na avanturu.En: Mira was curious and always ready for an adventure.Hr: No, imala je skriveni problem – ozbiljnu alergiju na određene namirnice.En: However, she had a hidden problem—a severe allergy to certain foods.Hr: "Krenimo, dan je savršen!" rekao je Ivan s osmijehom.En: "Let’s go, the day is perfect!" said Ivan with a smile.Hr: Mira se nasmijala i povukla ga za ruku.En: Mira laughed and tugged him by the hand.Hr: Kroz hodnike su hodali polako, diveći se svakoj izložbi.En: They walked slowly through the corridors, admiring every exhibit.Hr: Skulpture, povijest, znanstveni eksperimenti, sve je to Miru fasciniralo.En: Sculptures, history, scientific experiments, all fascinated Mira.Hr: Ali onda, uz jedan od štandova s hranom, Mira je ugledala ukusnu poslasticu.En: But then, next to a food stall, Mira spotted a delicious treat.Hr: Bez razmišljanja, uzela je mali zalogaj.En: Without thinking, she took a small bite.Hr: Njezin osmijeh brzo je nestao dok je osjećala kako se nešto mijenja.En: Her smile quickly vanished as she felt something change.Hr: Ivan je primijetio njezin izraz lica i odmah znao da nešto nije u redu.En: Ivan noticed her expression and immediately knew something was wrong.Hr: "Mira, jesi li dobro?" upitao je zabrinuto.En: "Mira, are you okay?" he asked worriedly.Hr: Mira nije mogla odgovoriti.En: Mira couldn't answer.Hr: Počela je teško disati i Ivanu se srce steglo od straha.En: She began to breathe heavily, and Ivan's heart sank with fear.Hr: Bez oklijevanja, odlučio je povesti je do medicinskog centra u muzeju.En: Without hesitation, he decided to take her to the medical center in the museum.Hr: Nije mogao čekati na hitnu pomoć.En: He couldn't wait for an ambulance.Hr: Ljudi su se sklonili dok je Ivan, s Mirinom rukom čvrsto u svojoj, žurio kroz gužvu.En: People stepped aside as Ivan, holding Mira's hand tightly, hurried through the crowd.Hr: Srce mu je divlje tuklo.En: His heart was pounding wildly.Hr: Stigli su do medicinskog centra, a medicinsko osoblje odmah je reagiralo.En: They reached the medical center, and the medical staff reacted...

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