Journey Through Time: Ivana's Holographic Adventure in Dubrovnik
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Journey Through Time: Ivana's Holographic Adventure in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Usred toplog ljetnog dana, Ivana je hodala uskim ulicama Starog grada Dubrovnika.En: In the midst of a warm summer day, Ivana was walking through the narrow streets of Old Town Dubrovnik.Hr: Sunce je sijalo visoko na nebu, čineći kamenje sjajnim i vrućim.En: The sun was shining high in the sky, making the stones gleam and sizzling hot.Hr: Jugo je lagano puhao, donoseći miris mora.En: A gentle south wind was blowing, bringing with it the scent of the sea.Hr: Ivana je došla do visokih gradskih zidina.En: Ivana reached the high city walls.Hr: Danas zidovi nisu bili samo stara građevina.En: Today, the walls were not just an ancient structure.Hr: Sada su imali napredne holografske prikaze i AI vodiče.En: They now featured advanced holographic displays and AI guides.Hr: Ivana je čula priče o novoj atrakciji.En: Ivana had heard stories about the new attraction.Hr: Odlučila je isprobati.En: She decided to give it a try.Hr: Kupila je kartu i stala na ulaz.En: She bought a ticket and stood at the entrance.Hr: Mala metalna vrata otvorila su se i Ivana je krenula unutra.En: A small metal door opened, and Ivana stepped inside.Hr: Holografski vodič, plava prozirna figura, pojavio se ispred nje.En: A holographic guide, a blue transparent figure, appeared before her.Hr: "Dobrodošla, Ivana," rekao je vodič smirenim glasom.En: "Welcome, Ivana," the guide said in a calm voice.Hr: "Pripremi se za putovanje kroz vrijeme."En: "Prepare for a journey through time."Hr: Prva scena prikazala je srednjovjekovnog viteza.En: The first scene displayed was a medieval knight.Hr: Ispred Ivane pojavila se holografska bitka.En: In front of Ivana, a holographic battle appeared.Hr: Vitezovi su mahali mačevima, prolazile su strijele i čuo se zvuk konja.En: Knights were swinging swords, arrows were flying, and the sound of horses could be heard.Hr: Ivana je stajala zadivljena, osjećajući se kao dio događaja.En: Ivana stood in awe, feeling like part of the event.Hr: "Ovo je bitka kod Dubrovnika iz 13. stoljeća," objasnio je vodič.En: "This is the Battle of Dubrovnik from the 13th century," the guide explained.Hr: Ivana je nastavila hodati kroz zidove.En: Ivana continued walking through the walls.Hr: Sljedeći prikaz bio je drevna tržnica.En: The next display was an ancient marketplace.Hr: Prodavači su glasno nudili svoje proizvode; sir, riba, voće.En: Vendors loudly offered their goods; cheese, fish, fruit.Hr: Zrak je bio ispunjen mirisima začina.En: The air was filled with the aroma of spices.Hr: "Ovo je stara dubrovačka tržnica iz 15. stoljeća," rekao je vodič.En: "This is the old Dubrovnik market from the 15th century," the guide said.Hr: Prolazila je kroz vrijeme, gledajući brojne prikaze života u starom Dubrovniku.En: She walked through time, witnessing numerous displays of life in old Dubrovnik.Hr: Došla je do dijela gdje su prikazani brodovi.En: She arrived at the section where ships were depicted.Hr: "Ovdje su dubrovački trgovci," vodič je rekao, "ponosni pomorci koji su plovili preko mora."En: "These are the Dubrovnik merchants," the guide said, "proud sailors...