Journey of Hope: A Sibling Quest Through Old Dubrovnik

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Journey of Hope: A Sibling Quest Through Old Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Andrej i Mira koračali su tihim ulicama starog Dubrovnika.En: Andrej and Mira walked through the quiet streets of old Dubrovnik.Hr: Grad je bio sjenka nekadašnje ljepote.En: The city was a shadow of its former beauty.Hr: Kameniti zidovi obrastali su mahovinom, dok su požutjelo lišće prekrivale staze.En: The stone walls were covered with moss, while yellowed leaves blanketed the paths.Hr: Bio je jesenji dan, a zrak je imao mješavinu morske soli i svježine opadanja.En: It was an autumn day, and the air carried a mix of sea salt and the freshness of falling leaves.Hr: "Moramo pronaći mamu," reče Andrej tiho, no odlučno.En: "We have to find mom," said Andrej quietly, yet decisively.Hr: Mira ga pogleda očima punim nade.En: Mira looked at him with eyes full of hope.Hr: Uvijek je vjerovala u bolju sutrašnjicu.En: She always believed in a better tomorrow.Hr: Putovanje kroz napušteni grad bilo je opasno.En: The journey through the abandoned city was dangerous.Hr: Vode je bilo malo, a hrana rijetkost.En: Water was scarce, and food was a rarity.Hr: Unatoč tome, Andrej je bio odlučan.En: Despite this, Andrej was determined.Hr: Nosio je strah duboko u sebi, ali Mira mu je davala snagu.En: He carried his fear deep inside, but Mira gave him strength.Hr: "Neki ljudi kažu da su je vidjeli na drugom kraju grada," spomenu Mira.En: "Some people say they saw her on the other side of the city," mentioned Mira.Hr: Andrej ju je pažljivo slušao.En: Andrej listened carefully.Hr: Razmišljao je o izboru pred njima - sigurniji put ili kratak, ali opasan prolaz.En: He contemplated the choice before them - a safer route or a short but dangerous passage.Hr: "Ovaj opasan je previše rizičan, ali možda brži," rekao je.En: "This dangerous one is too risky, but maybe faster," he said.Hr: No, Mira je samo klimnula glavom.En: Yet, Mira simply nodded.Hr: "Zajedno smo," rekla je jednostavno.En: "We're together," she said simply.Hr: Odlučili su.En: They decided.Hr: Krenuli su opasnom stazom, kojom su dominirali ostaci prošlih sukoba i ruševine.En: They took the dangerous path dominated by the remnants of past conflicts and ruins.Hr: Svaki korak bio je oprezan, svaki zvuk ih je držao na oprezu.En: Every step was cautious, every noise kept them alert.Hr: Sreli su neobičnog čovjeka - prepredenog sakupljača.En: They encountered an unusual man - a cunning scavenger.Hr: Izgledao je kao da zna sve što se događa.En: He seemed to know everything that was happening.Hr: "Tražite nekoga?En: "Are you looking for someone?"Hr: " upitao je, gledajući ih oštrim očima.En: he asked, watching them with sharp eyes.Hr: Andrej je znao, morao je riskirati.En: Andrej knew he had to take a risk.Hr: Pokušao je pregovarati, koristeći posljednje zalihe hrane da bi došao do informacija.En: He tried to negotiate, using the last of their food supplies to obtain information.Hr: Ispalo je da su te informacije neprocjenjive.En: It turned out that this information was priceless.Hr: "Vaša majka je živa.En: "Your mother is alive.Hr: Ali je daleko," reče čovjek.En: But she is far...

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