Ivana's Leap: Chasing Dreams Against All Odds
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivana's Leap: Chasing Dreams Against All Odds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ivanas-leap-chasing-dreams-against-all-odds Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je stajala na stepenicama svoje škole, Split Public High, gledajući prema dvorištu gdje su učenici veselo šetali.En: Ivana stood on the steps of her school, Split Public High, looking toward the courtyard where students were cheerfully strolling.Hr: Jesenje lišće šuškalo je pod nogama prolaznika.En: The autumn leaves rustled under the feet of passersby.Hr: Ivana je osjećala nervozu i uzbuđenje.En: Ivana felt a mix of nervousness and excitement.Hr: Bližio se kraj školske godine, a ona je željela napraviti ogroman korak – otići na sveučilište u Zagreb.En: The end of the school year was approaching, and she wanted to take a major step—going to the university in Zagreb.Hr: Sanjala je o proučavanju biologije.En: She dreamed of studying biology.Hr: Ivana je bila marljiva učenica.En: Ivana was a diligent student.Hr: Voljela je znanost i istraživanje.En: She loved science and research.Hr: Znala je da joj treba stipendija kako bi pomogla financijski.En: She knew she needed a scholarship to help financially.Hr: No, problem je bio što njezina obitelj nije dijelila iste snove.En: However, the problem was that her family didn’t share the same dreams.Hr: Htjeli su da ostane u Splitu i pohađa lokalni fakultet.En: They wanted her to stay in Split and attend a local college.Hr: Luka, njezin najbolji prijatelj, bio je uz nju.En: Luka, her best friend, was by her side.Hr: Bio je opušten i često govorio: "Ivana, nemaš se čega bojati.En: He was laid-back and often said, "Ivana, there's nothing to fear.Hr: Moraš pokušati!En: You have to try!"Hr: " Luka je, iako nesiguran o svojoj budućnosti, uvijek podržavao Ivanine želje.En: Although Luka was unsure about his own future, he always supported Ivana's wishes.Hr: Jednog dana Ivana je imala sastanak s Markom, školskim savjetnikom.En: One day, Ivana had a meeting with Marko, the school counselor.Hr: Marko je sjedio za stolom prekrivenim papirima.En: Marko sat at a desk covered with papers.Hr: "Ivana, ako to stvarno želiš, moraš se hrabro suočiti s izazovima," rekao je smireno.En: "Ivana, if you truly want this, you have to bravely face the challenges," he said calmly.Hr: "Ivane," nastavio je Luka dok su sjedili u školskom dvorištu, "što ćeš napraviti?En: "Ivana," continued Luka as they sat in the school courtyard, "what will you do?"Hr: "Ivana je duboko udahnula.En: Ivana took a deep breath.Hr: "Prijavit ću se za stipendiju," odlučila je.En: "I will apply for the scholarship," she decided.Hr: Bila je spremna suočiti se s obitelji.En: She was ready to face her family.Hr: Bilo ju je strah, ali Luka ju je ohrabrivao.En: She was scared, but Luka encouraged her.Hr: Nakon škole, kod kuće, situacija se pogoršala.En: After school, at home, the situation worsened.Hr: "Zašto Zagreb?En: "Why Zagreb?"Hr: " majka je upitala.En: her mother asked.Hr: "Imamo dobar fakultet ovdje.En: "We have a good college here."Hr: ""Želim slijediti svoje snove, mama," objasnila je Ivana, osjećajući kako joj srce ubrzano kuca.En: "I want to follow my dreams, mom," Ivana explained, feeling her heart race.Hr: "Ovo je važno za mene.En: "This is important...