Into the Forest: A Botanical Quest at Papuk

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Into the Forest: A Botanical Quest at Papuk Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U jesen, Papuk je izgledao čarobno.En: In the fall, Papuk looked magical.Hr: Lišće je padalo, a vjetar nježno svirao kroz grane.En: The leaves were falling, and the wind gently played through the branches.Hr: Ivana, Luka i Mateo bili su na terenskoj nastavi.En: Ivana, Luka, and Mateo were on a field trip.Hr: Ivana je bila uzbuđena.En: Ivana was excited.Hr: Željela je pronaći rijetku biljku.En: She wanted to find a rare plant.Hr: U knjigama je čitala o njoj.En: She had read about it in books.Hr: „Luka, moramo dalje u šumu,“ rekla je Ivana s osmijehom.En: "Luka, we need to go further into the forest," Ivana said with a smile.Hr: Luka je bio oprezan.En: Luka was cautious.Hr: „Ivana, ako odemo predaleko, možemo se izgubiti,“ upozorio je.En: "Ivana, if we go too far, we might get lost," he warned.Hr: No, Ivana je bila odlučna.En: But Ivana was determined.Hr: Mateo je skakao oko njih, glumeći klauna, pokušavajući ih nasmijati.En: Mateo was jumping around them, acting like a clown, trying to make them laugh.Hr: Ali, on nije baš mario za biljke ili šumu.En: But he didn't really care about plants or the forest.Hr: „Dođi, Luka,“ rekla je Ivana.En: "Come on, Luka," said Ivana.Hr: „Znam put.En: "I know the way.Hr: Malo ćemo skrenuti s staze.En: We'll just go off the path a little."Hr: “Luka je uzdahnuo, ali je odlučio slijediti Ivanu.En: Luka sighed but decided to follow Ivana.Hr: I Mateo je pošao s njima, šaleći se putem.En: Mateo went with them, joking along the way.Hr: Šuma je bila gusta, a vrijeme je brzo prolazilo.En: The forest was dense, and time passed quickly.Hr: Sunce je već počelo zalaziti.En: The sun had already begun to set.Hr: Odjednom, Ivana je vrisnula od uzbuđenja.En: Suddenly, Ivana screamed with excitement.Hr: „Tamo je!En: "There it is!Hr: Biljka koju tražim!En: The plant I'm looking for!"Hr: “Ali, Mateo je nespretno stao na granu.En: But, Mateo clumsily stepped on a branch.Hr: Grana se slomila i palo je lišće blizu biljke.En: The branch broke, and leaves fell near the plant.Hr: Ivana je brzo izvukla fotoaparat.En: Ivana quickly took out the camera.Hr: „Brzo, prije nego što se nešto dogodi,“ rekla je Ivana s velikim očima.En: "Quick, before something happens," said Ivana with wide eyes.Hr: Uspjeli su snimiti sliku.En: They managed to snap a picture.Hr: No, tada je stigao njihov učitelj.En: But then their teacher arrived.Hr: „Gdje ste bili?En: "Where have you been?Hr: Rekao sam vam da ne odlazite daleko,“ korio ih je učitelj.En: I told you not to wander off," the teacher scolded them.Hr: Ivana je s osmijehom pokazala fotografiju.En: Ivana smiled and showed the photograph.Hr: „Pogledajte, učitelju!En: "Look, teacher!Hr: Našli smo biljku.En: We found the plant."Hr: “Učitelj je uzdahnuo, ali se ipak nasmijao.En: The teacher sighed but laughed anyway.Hr: „Dobro, ali sljedeći put slušajte upute.En: "Alright, but next time, follow instructions."Hr: “Na povratku, Ivana je shvatila koliko je važna timska igra.En: On the way back,...

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