Harmony in Snow: A Tale of Talent, Trust, and Triumph
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Harmony in Snow: A Tale of Talent, Trust, and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-19-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Na zimskom jutru, kad su pahulje padale kao bijela čarolija, srednja škola u Zagrebu bila je puna energije i uzbuđenja.En: On a winter morning, when snowflakes fell like white magic, the high school in Zagreb was full of energy and excitement.Hr: Na hodnicima su mirisali božićni kolači.En: The hallways were filled with the scent of Christmas cookies.Hr: Zvuk pjesama i smijeha prolazio je kroz svaku učionicu.En: The sound of songs and laughter echoed through every classroom.Hr: Svi su pričali o velikom zboru i važnoj audiciji za solo točku u koncertu na čuvenom božićnom sajmu.En: Everyone was talking about the big choir and the important audition for a solo spot in the concert at the renowned Christmas market.Hr: U središtu ovog zimskog vrtloga pripremali su se Ivana i Luka, svaki sa svojom pričom i nadom.En: In the midst of this winter whirlwind, Ivana and Luka were preparing, each with their own story and hopes.Hr: Ivana je bila poznata po svom prekrasnom glasu, talentu koji je naslijedila od majke operne pjevačice.En: Ivana was known for her beautiful voice, a talent she inherited from her mother, an opera singer.Hr: Ali s njime je došla i težina očekivanja obitelji koja je uvijek htjela da bude najbolja.En: But with it came the weight of family expectations, which always wanted her to be the best.Hr: Kada bi netko spomenuo skandiranje publike, ona je sanjala, ali i osjetila lagani trzaj straha od razočaranja.En: When someone mentioned the cheering of the audience, she dreamed, yet also felt a slight twinge of fear of disappointment.Hr: Luka je, s druge strane, imao drugačiji put.En: Luka, on the other hand, had a different path.Hr: Njegova ljubav prema glazbi bila je poput plamena koji je preživeo i najhladnije zime.En: His love for music was like a flame that survived even the coldest winters.Hr: Odrastao je s bakom koja ga je naučila spoznati radost u malim stvarima.En: He grew up with his grandmother, who taught him to find joy in small things.Hr: Ova audicija bila je šansa za njega da pokaže što zna i da na neki način zahvaljuje baki koja mu je uvijek vjerovala.En: This audition was his chance to show what he could do and, in a way, to thank his grandmother who always believed in him.Hr: Došla je posljednja, odlučujuća audicija.En: The final, crucial audition arrived.Hr: Dok su svjetla reflektora obasjala pozornicu u školi, Ivana je stajala s jedne strane, a Luka s druge.En: As the spotlight illuminated the school stage, Ivana stood on one side, and Luka on the other.Hr: Ivana je imala mogućnost osloniti se na utjecajne prijatelje svojih roditelja da osigura svoj nastup, ali odlučila je da će zadivljivati glasom, ne poznanstvima.En: Ivana had the option to rely on her parents' influential friends to secure her performance, but she decided she would impress with her voice, not connections.Hr: Luka je imao tajnu: malu preinaku u glazbenoj pratnji koju je sam smislio, nadajući se da će time izdvojiti iz mase.En: Luka had a secret: a small modification to the musical accompaniment that he had devised himself, hoping it would make him stand out.Hr: Sudac, mladi zborovođa, bio je nenametljiv, ali znatiželjan.En: The judge, a young choir conductor, was unassuming but curious.Hr: Prvi na pozornicu stupila je Ivana.En: Ivana was the first to...