From Budget Woes to Startup Wins: Ivana's Shrewd Negotiation
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: From Budget Woes to Startup Wins: Ivana's Shrewd Negotiation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Zagreb, u srcu zime.En: Zagreb, in the heart of winter.Hr: Startup Inkubator vrvi od života.En: The Startup Inkubator is buzzing with life.Hr: Unutra sjede Luka, Marta i Ivana.En: Inside sit Luka, Marta, and Ivana.Hr: Zima je hladna, ali atmosfera je topla i uzbudljiva.En: The winter is cold, but the atmosphere is warm and exciting.Hr: Luka je energičan, uvijek s puno ideja.En: Luka is energetic, always full of ideas.Hr: Marta je tiha, ali uvijek razmišlja nekoliko koraka unaprijed.En: Marta is quiet but always thinking several steps ahead.Hr: Ivana je nova, puni entuzijazma, želi se dokazati.En: Ivana is new, full of enthusiasm, eager to prove herself.Hr: "Trebat će nam više uredskog materijala," kaže Luka.En: "We'll need more office supplies," Luka says.Hr: Tvrtka raste, a tako i potrebe.En: The company is growing, and so are its needs.Hr: "Ali, proračun je strog," upozorava Marta.En: "But the budget is tight," warns Marta.Hr: Pogled im se okreće prema Ivani.En: Their eyes turn to Ivana.Hr: "Organizirat ću kupnju", kaže ona odlučno.En: "I'll organize the purchase," she says decisively.Hr: Uskoro kreću prema trgovini.En: They soon head to the store.Hr: Unutra je sve svjetlucavo i šareno.En: Inside, everything is sparkly and colorful.Hr: Police su pune papira, fascikli i olovki.En: The shelves are full of paper, folders, and pencils.Hr: "Pogledaj sve ovo", šapne Ivana, oči joj sjaje.En: "Look at all this," whispers Ivana, her eyes shining.Hr: Ali, Marta odmah podsjeća: "Ne smijemo prekoračiti proračun.En: But Marta immediately reminds them, "We can't go over the budget."Hr: "Ivana počinje birati.En: Ivana starts selecting.Hr: Odabire povoljni papir, olovke brenda kojeg ne prepoznaje, ali jeftine su.En: She picks affordable paper and pencils from a brand she doesn't recognize, but they are cheap.Hr: Marta bilježi cijene.En: Marta notes the prices.Hr: Luka se udaljava, proučava tehničke naprave, mobitel zvoni, poruke stižu.En: Luka steps away, studying technical gadgets, his phone rings, messages come in.Hr: On mora vjerovati timu.En: He must trust his team.Hr: Kako se približavaju blagajni, shvaćaju da su preko proračuna.En: As they approach the checkout, they realize they've gone over budget.Hr: Ivana osjeća pritisak.En: Ivana feels the pressure.Hr: Luka šuti, pogleda nježno prema njoj.En: Luka remains silent, giving her a gentle look.Hr: Marta gleda račune, brojke ne lažu.En: Marta looks at the receipts, the numbers don't lie.Hr: Ivana zna što mora učiniti.En: Ivana knows what she must do.Hr: Ona poziva upravitelja trgovine.En: She calls the store manager.Hr: Objašnjava situaciju.En: She explains the situation.Hr: Razgovara o startupu, o budućim potrebama, potencijalnoj suradnji.En: She talks about the startup, future needs, potential collaboration.Hr: Upravitelj je zaintrigiran.En: The manager is intrigued.Hr: Poslovni svijet je mali, prilike velike.En: The business world is small, opportunities are vast.Hr: Nakon duge minute napetosti, upravitelj odobrava popust.