Finding Warmth Amidst Zagreb’s Festive Chaos
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Warmth Amidst Zagreb’s Festive Chaos Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Hladna zima obavijala je Zagreb dok se Ana probijala kroz gomilu ljudi.En: The cold winter enveloped Zagreb as Ana navigated through the crowd of people.Hr: Bilo je to doba godine kada je svatko želio biti s onima koje voli.En: It was that time of year when everyone wanted to be with their loved ones.Hr: Ali Ana, studentica koja inače voli gužvu grada, osjećala se pomalo usamljeno.En: But Ana, a student who usually loved the bustle of the city, felt a bit lonely.Hr: Doček Nove godine u Zagrebu uvijek je bio kaotičan, a glavna ulica bila je prepuna ljudi, svjetala i glazbe.En: New Year's Eve in Zagreb was always chaotic, and the main street was teeming with people, lights, and music.Hr: Anin pogled lutao je oko trga.En: Ana's gaze wandered around the square.Hr: Njezini prijatelji, Marko i Ivana, negdje su bili skriveni u toj toploj, šarenoj masi ljudi.En: Her friends, Marko and Ivana, were somewhere hidden in that warm, colorful throng of people.Hr: "Moram ih pronaći prije ponoći," pomislila je.En: "I must find them before midnight," she thought.Hr: Telefon joj je gotovo prazan, a gužva je otežavala bilo kakvo kretanje.En: Her phone was nearly dead, and the crowd made any movement difficult.Hr: Vjetar je donosio miris kuhanog vina iz obližnjeg štanda, a lampice su se sjajile kao zvjezdice ispod tamnog, zimskog neba.En: The wind carried the scent of mulled wine from a nearby stand, and the lights shone like stars under the dark winter sky.Hr: "Kako da ih pronađem?" pitala se Ana.En: "How can I find them?" Ana wondered.Hr: Svatko je bio zaokupljen vlastitom srećom i uzbuđenjem.En: Everyone was preoccupied with their own happiness and excitement.Hr: Pregledala je svoj mobitel.En: She checked her phone.Hr: Baterija je bila gotovo na izmaku snaga.En: The battery was nearly depleted.Hr: Ana se osjetila sitnom unutar te mase veselih ljudi, ali nije htjela odustati.En: Ana felt small within that mass of cheerful people but didn't want to give up.Hr: Okrenula se oko sebe i zapazila malu platformu s kipom usred trga.En: She turned around and noticed a small platform with a statue in the middle of the square.Hr: Odlučila je popeti se na nju kako bi imala bolji pogled.En: She decided to climb it for a better view.Hr: Uz malo muke, Ana se popela i počela pregledavati mnoštvo.En: With some effort, Ana climbed up and began scanning the crowd.Hr: Nije bilo lako, ali onda ih je ugledala.En: It wasn't easy, but then she saw them.Hr: Marko i Ivana stajali su s druge strane trga, i sada su mahali prema njoj.En: Marko and Ivana were standing on the other side of the square, now waving at her.Hr: Vidjevši ih, Anino srce ispunilo se toplinom.En: Seeing them filled Ana's heart with warmth.Hr: Bila je na raskrsnici; trebala je odlučiti ostati tu i čekati ih ili se probiti kroz gužvu prema njima.En: She was at a crossroads; she needed to decide whether to stay there and wait for them or to push through the crowd towards them.Hr: Bez puno razmišljanja, Ana se odlučila izboriti put prema svojim prijateljima.En: Without much thought, Ana decided to make her way to her friends.Hr: Dok su se počeli odbrojavati sekunde do ponoći, Ana je progurala posljednju prepreku i stigla do njih netom prije...