Finding Love: A Market Journey with Heartfelt Gifts
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Love: A Market Journey with Heartfelt Gifts Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Šarene tržnice oživjele su u Samoboru.En: Colorful markets came to life in Samobor.Hr: Valentinovo se bližilo, a miris cimeta i kuhanog vina ispunjavao je zrak.En: Valentine's Day was approaching, and the scent of cinnamon and mulled wine filled the air.Hr: Ulice su bile pretrpane ljudima, a Ivana je pokušavala pronaći put kroz gužvu.En: The streets were crowded with people, and Ivana was trying to find her way through the bustle.Hr: S njom je bio njezin brat Marko, ali nije bio najbolje raspoložen.En: With her was her brother Marko, but he wasn't in the best mood.Hr: Nedavna rastava ostavila je trag na njemu.En: A recent divorce had taken a toll on him.Hr: "Ivana, stvarno ne vidim smisao u ovome," rekao je Marko dok su prolazili pored štandova prepunih čokolada i crvenih ruža.En: "Ivana, I really don't see the point in this," Marko said as they passed by stalls full of chocolates and red roses.Hr: "Uostalom, znaš koliko je tvoj partner izbirljiv."En: "Besides, you know how picky your partner is."Hr: Ivana je duboko udahnula.En: Ivana took a deep breath.Hr: Znala je da Marko prolazi kroz težak period, ali trebala mu je pomoć, a ne negativnost.En: She knew Marko was going through a tough time, but she needed his help, not negativity.Hr: Htjela je pronaći savršen dar koji bi pokazao njezinu ljubav i predanost.En: She wanted to find the perfect gift that would show her love and commitment.Hr: Ali s ljudima koji su jurili s jedne strane tržnice na drugu, teško se mogla koncentrirati.En: But with people rushing from one side of the market to the other, it was hard for her to concentrate.Hr: "Marko, daj mi pet minuta. Moram razmisliti," rekla je, udaljivši se malo da bi se sabrala.En: "Marko, give me five minutes. I need to think," she said, moving slightly away to gather her thoughts.Hr: Pogledala je oko sebe.En: She looked around.Hr: Stotine proizvoda, svaka stvar različita.En: Hundreds of products, each different.Hr: Ali ništa nije izgledalo kao pravi izbor.En: But nothing seemed like the right choice.Hr: I tada je ugledala mali štand sa starim knjigama i ručno rađenim predmetima.En: Then she saw a small stall with old books and handmade items.Hr: Stala je i pregledala hrpu dok se čuvar štanda, ljubazan stariji gospodin, smiješio.En: She stopped and browsed through the pile while the stall keeper, a kind older gentleman, smiled.Hr: Među knjigama, pronašla je malu drvenu kutijicu s ugraviranim motivom srca.En: Among the books, she found a small wooden box engraved with a heart motif.Hr: Podsjetila ju je na šetnje koje su ona i njezin partner često imali uz rijeku, gdje su rezbareni natpisi u drveću pričali o ljubavi.En: It reminded her of the walks she often had with her partner by the river, where carved inscriptions on the trees spoke of love.Hr: "Koliko je ova kutija?" upitala je gospodina.En: "How much is this box?" she asked the gentleman.Hr: "Za vas, mlada damo, sto kuna," odgovorio je s osmijehom.En: "For you, young lady, a hundred kuna," he replied with a smile.Hr: Ivana je uzela kutiju i vratila se Marku, koji je gledao u obližnji štand sa slatkišima.En: Ivana took the box and returned to Marko, who was looking at a nearby candy stall.Hr: "Odluka je...