Finding Courage: Ivana's Inspiring Autumn Journey
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Courage: Ivana's Inspiring Autumn Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Jesen je stigla u malom gradu u Hrvatskoj.En: Autumn had arrived in a small town in Hrvatska.Hr: Lišće u šarenim bojama prekrivalo je staze, a ugodan vjetar šaptao je priče o dolazećoj zimi.En: Leaves in vibrant colors covered the paths, and a pleasant breeze whispered tales of the coming winter.Hr: U školskoj dvorani vladala je užurbana atmosfera.En: In the school auditorium, a bustling atmosphere prevailed.Hr: Pripreme za zimski koncert bile su u punom jeku.En: Preparations for the winter concert were in full swing.Hr: Dvorana je blistala toplim svjetlima, a jesensko lišće nježno je ukrašavalo pozornicu.En: The auditorium gleamed with warm lights, and autumn leaves gently adorned the stage.Hr: Ivana, sramežljiva i marljiva učenica, sjedila je u kutu dvorane.En: Ivana, a shy and diligent student, sat in the corner of the auditorium.Hr: Na prvi pogled, činila se mirnom, ali unutra su je mučili strah i nesigurnost.En: At first glance, she appeared calm, but inside, she was tormented by fear and insecurity.Hr: Ima san – željela je impresionirati Marka tijekom zimskog koncerta.En: She had a dream—she wanted to impress Marko during the winter concert.Hr: Voljela je glazbu svim srcem, ali scenski strah je bio njezin najveći neprijatelj.En: She loved music with all her heart, but stage fright was her greatest enemy.Hr: Marko je bio popularan učenik, talentirani pijanist, i bio je dio priprema.En: Marko was a popular student, a talented pianist, and was part of the preparations.Hr: Ana, poznata po predivnom glasu, uvijek je bila u centru pažnje.En: Ana, known for her beautiful voice, was always at the center of attention.Hr: Ivanu je mučilo to što će Ana sigurno dobiti solo, ali njezino srce nije odustalo.En: Ivana was troubled by the thought that Ana would surely get the solo, but her heart didn't give up.Hr: Ivana je odlučila – morala je probati.En: Ivana decided—she had to try.Hr: Došao je dan audicije.En: The day of the audition arrived.Hr: Dvorana je bila ispunjena nervoznim šaputanjima učenika.En: The auditorium was filled with the nervous whispers of students.Hr: Ivana je stajala iza zavjese, srca koje je snažno kucalo.En: Ivana stood behind the curtain, her heart pounding strongly.Hr: "Ja to mogu", šapnula je sebi.En: "I can do this," she whispered to herself.Hr: Kada je njezin red došao, stupila je na pozornicu.En: When her turn came, she stepped onto the stage.Hr: Svjetla su joj zaslijepila oči, a publika je utihnula.En: The lights blinded her eyes, and the audience fell silent.Hr: Kako je počela pjevati, riječi su joj pobjegle.En: As she began to sing, the words escaped her.Hr: Tihi šapat panike prošao joj je kroz misli.En: A quiet whisper of panic went through her thoughts.Hr: Ali tada, osjetila je nježan pogled.En: But then, she felt a gentle gaze.Hr: Marko je sjedio za klavirom, gledajući je s osmijehom i tiho ponavljao riječi iz preda nje.En: Marko was sitting at the piano, watching her with a smile and quietly mouthing the words ahead of her.Hr: Ta mala podrška bila je sve što joj je trebalo.En: That little support was all she needed.Hr: Ivana je udahnula duboko i pjevala od srca.En: Ivana took a deep breath...