Finding Christmas Joy in Chaos: Ivan and Mara's Tale
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Christmas Joy in Chaos: Ivan and Mara's Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Snijeg je pokrio malo selo u Hrvatskoj, pretvarajući ga u čarobnu zimsku bajku.En: The snow covered the small village in Hrvatska, turning it into a magical winter fairy tale.Hr: Kućice su bile ukrašene lampicama, a na trgu stajao je veliki bor.En: The houses were decorated with lights, and in the square stood a large pine tree.Hr: No na rubu sela, u staroj kamenoj kući, Ivan i Mara pripremali su se za svoj božićni spektakl.En: But on the edge of the village, in an old stone house, Ivan and Mara were preparing for their Christmas spectacle.Hr: Ivan je bio pun entuzijazma.En: Ivan was full of enthusiasm.Hr: Htio je ovu godinu učiniti posebnom jer će dolaziti njegova obitelj iz grada.En: He wanted to make this year special because his family from the city would be visiting.Hr: "Sve mora biti savršeno," rekao je Ivanujući ljestve.En: "Everything has to be perfect," he said, climbing the ladder.Hr: Mara se nasmijala pod nosom, promatrajući ga kako pokušava objesiti ukrase.En: Mara chuckled to herself, watching him try to hang the decorations.Hr: "Možda bismo trebali kupiti nešto ukrasa," predložila je Mara, sjećajući se prijašnjih Ivanovih pokušaja.En: "Maybe we should buy some decorations," suggested Mara, remembering Ivan's previous attempts.Hr: Ali Ivan je odmahnio rukom.En: But Ivan waved a hand.Hr: "Ne, ne!En: "No, no!Hr: Homemade je najbolje.En: Homemade is best.Hr: To je osobno i s ljubavlju," rekao je s ponosom.En: It's personal and with love," he said proudly.Hr: Dok je Ivan postavljao ukrase, problemi su počeli.En: As Ivan set up the decorations, problems began.Hr: Zvjezda s vrha bora pala je i razbila se.En: The star from the top of the tree fell and shattered.Hr: "Oh!En: "Oh!Hr: To se može popraviti," rekao je Ivan, skupljajući komadiće.En: That can be fixed," said Ivan, gathering the pieces.Hr: Zatim je pokušao objesiti lampice, ali su se tako zapetljale da je izgledalo kao da je pauk napravio mrežu.En: Then he tried to hang the lights, but they got so tangled it looked like a spider had spun a web.Hr: Mara je smireno rekla, "Možda bi trebali odmotati lampice prije stavljanja na bor.En: Mara calmly said, "Maybe you should untangle the lights before putting them on the tree."Hr: "Ivan nije odustajao.En: Ivan didn't give up.Hr: Idući izazov bilo je postavljanje češera duž prozora.En: The next challenge was placing pine cones along the window.Hr: No, dok je dodavao zadnji češer, zavjesa se srušila, povlačeći sve za sobom.En: But as he added the last cone, the curtain fell, pulling everything down with it.Hr: Mara se jedva suzdržala da ne umre od smijeha.En: Mara could barely hold back her laughter.Hr: Uvečer, konačno je došao trenutak da zasvijetli bor.En: In the evening, the moment finally came to light up the tree.Hr: Ivan, s izrazom odlučnosti, povezao je lampice s utičnicom.En: Ivan, with a determined expression, plugged in the lights.Hr: No, umjesto svjetlucanja, bor se prevrnuo, sve ukrase povlačeći za sobom.En: But instead of sparkling, the tree toppled over, pulling all the decorations with it.Hr: Zvuk je bio kao da se prag srušio.En: The sound was like a threshold collapsing.