Family Bonds Tested: A Heartfelt Tale in Dubrovnik
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Family Bonds Tested: A Heartfelt Tale in Dubrovnik Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Nebo je bilo plavo i bez oblaka iznad starog grada Dubrovnika.En: The sky was blue and cloudless above the old city of Dubrovnik.Hr: Sunce je obasjavalo kamene zidine koje su okruživale grad.En: The sun illuminated the stone walls that surrounded the city.Hr: Mnogi turisti šetali su uskim ulicama, uživajući u ljepotama ljeta.En: Many tourists strolled through the narrow streets, enjoying the summer's beauty.Hr: Nikola, Vedrana i njihov sin Lovro šetali su zajedno.En: Nikola, Vedrana, and their son Lovro walked together.Hr: Nikola je bio pod stresom.En: Nikola was stressed.Hr: Posao i obiteljske obaveze su ga pritiskale.En: Work and family obligations were weighing on him.Hr: No, nije želio pokazati to pred obitelji.En: However, he didn’t want to show this to his family.Hr: Želio je biti jak.En: He wanted to be strong.Hr: "Kako ti je, Nikola?En: "How are you, Nikola?"Hr: " pitala je Vedrana.En: asked Vedrana.Hr: Osjetila je da nešto nije u redu.En: She sensed that something was wrong.Hr: Nikola se samo nasmijao i rekao, "Sve je u redu, draga.En: Nikola just smiled and said, "Everything is fine, dear."Hr: "Lovro je šutio.En: Lovro was silent.Hr: Imao je problema u školi i nije se slagao s ocem.En: He had problems at school and didn’t get along with his father.Hr: Osjećao je da ga otac ne razumije.En: He felt that his father didn’t understand him.Hr: Prolazili su pored stare crkve, kad je Nikola osjetio oštru bol u prsima.En: They were passing by an old church when Nikola felt a sharp pain in his chest.Hr: Pokušao je ignorirati bol.En: He tried to ignore the pain.Hr: Nije želio brinuti obitelj.En: He didn’t want to worry his family.Hr: Nastavili su hodati, ali bol je postajala jača.En: They continued walking, but the pain grew stronger.Hr: Nikola je stao nasloniti se na zid.En: Nikola stopped and leaned against a wall.Hr: "Jesi li dobro?En: "Are you okay?"Hr: " Vedrana je pitala, sad već zabrinuta.En: Vedrana asked, now clearly worried.Hr: "Jesam," rekao je Nikola, ali glas mu je bio slab.En: "I am," said Nikola, but his voice was weak.Hr: Odjednom, Nikola se srušio na koljena.En: Suddenly, Nikola fell to his knees.Hr: Bystanderi su se okupili.En: Bystanders gathered around.Hr: Vedrana je povikala, "Pomoć!En: Vedrana shouted, "Help!Hr: Netko zovite hitnu pomoć!En: Someone call an ambulance!"Hr: "Lovro je pritrčao ocu i uhvatio ga za ruku.En: Lovro ran to his father and grabbed his hand.Hr: "Tata, moraš izdržati!En: "Dad, you have to hold on!"Hr: " reče drhtavim glasom.En: he said with a trembling voice.Hr: Ljudi iz obližnje trgovine su zvali hitnu pomoć.En: People from a nearby shop called for an ambulance.Hr: Par minuta kasnije, Nikola je ležao na nosilima, u crvenom bolničkom vozilu.En: A few minutes later, Nikola was lying on a stretcher in a red ambulance.Hr: Vedrana i Lovro su sjedili pored njega, njihovih lica prekrivenih brigom.En: Vedrana and Lovro sat beside him, their faces covered with concern.Hr: U lokalnoj klinici, doktori...