Exploring Dubrovnik: A Journey Through Time and History
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Exploring Dubrovnik: A Journey Through Time and History Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/exploring-dubrovnik-a-journey-through-time-and-history Story Transcript:Hr: Ana, Luka i Ivanka hodali su uskim ulicama Dubrovnika.En: Ana, Luka, and Ivanka walked through the narrow streets of Dubrovnik.Hr: Bio je sunčan dan.En: It was a sunny day.Hr: Kamen pod nogama bio je topao.En: The stone underfoot was warm.Hr: Nastava iz povijesti na otvorenom bila je zanimljiva.En: The outdoor history lesson was interesting.Hr: Profesorica Perica bila je ispred grupe.En: Professor Perica led the group.Hr: „Pogledajte te zidine,“ rekla je profesorica Perica.En: "Look at those walls," said Professor Perica.Hr: „Grad je građen kroz stoljeća.“En: "The city was built over centuries."Hr: Ana je bila znatiželjna.En: Ana was curious.Hr: „Zašto su zidovi tako visoki?“En: "Why are the walls so high?"Hr: „Da štite grad,“ odgovorila je profesorica Perica s osmijehom.En: "To protect the city," answered Professor Perica with a smile.Hr: Luka je fotografirao.En: Luka was taking pictures.Hr: „Ovo je prelijepo,“ rekao je.En: "This is beautiful," he said.Hr: Ivanka je držala knjigu.En: Ivanka was holding a book.Hr: Voljela je čitati o povijesti.En: She loved reading about history.Hr: „Dubrovnik ima mnogo priča,“ rekla je.En: "Dubrovnik has many stories," she said.Hr: „To je kao biti u prošlosti.“En: "It's like being in the past."Hr: Dok su hodali po zidinama, vidjeli su more.En: As they walked along the walls, they saw the sea.Hr: Bilo je mirno i plavo.En: It was calm and blue.Hr: Djeca su bila sretna i puna pitanja.En: The children were happy and full of questions.Hr: „Tko je živio ovdje?“ upitala je Ana.En: "Who lived here?" Ana asked.Hr: „Plemići, trgovci, obrtnici,“ odgovorila je profesorica Perica.En: "Nobles, merchants, craftsmen," replied Professor Perica.Hr: „Grad je bio bogat.“En: "The city was wealthy."Hr: Došli su do tornja Minčeta.En: They reached the Minčeta Tower.Hr: Profesorica Perica je stala.En: Professor Perica stopped.Hr: „Ovjde možete vidjeti cijeli grad.“En: "From here you can see the whole city."Hr: Luka je gledao.En: Luka looked around.Hr: „Osjećam povijest.“En: "I can feel the history."Hr: Ana je dotakla kamen.En: Ana touched the stone.Hr: „Želim znati više.“En: "I want to know more."Hr: Ivanka je otvorila knjigu.En: Ivanka opened her book.Hr: „Piše da je zidina izgrađena u 13. stoljeću.“En: "It says the wall was built in the 13th century."Hr: Profesorica Perica kimnula je glavom.En: Professor Perica nodded.Hr: „Da, to je točno.“En: "Yes, that's correct."Hr: Sunce je sjalo.En: The sun was shining.Hr: Grad Dubrovnik je bio svijetao i živ.En: The city of Dubrovnik was bright and alive.Hr: Hodali su kroz povijest, kroz prošlost.En: They walked through history, through the past.Hr: „Dubrovnik je neuništiv,“ rekla je Ivanka.En: "Dubrovnik is indestructible," Ivanka said.Hr: Ana je pogledala prijatelje.En: Ana looked at her friends.Hr: „Ovo je najbolja nastava ikada!“En: "This is the best lesson ever!"