Exploring Dubrovnik: A Day of History, Friendship, and Discovery
FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Exploring Dubrovnik: A Day of History, Friendship, and Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/exploring-dubrovnik-a-day-of-history-friendship-and-discovery Story Transcript:Hr: Zvona crkve sv. Vlaha zvonila su u daljini dok je sunce sjalo iznad Dubrovnika.En: The bells of St. Blaise's Church rang in the distance as the sun shone over Dubrovnik.Hr: Ivan je stajao pred kamenim ulazom u Stari Grad, osjećajući povijest u svakoj cigli pod nogama.En: Ivan stood before the stone entrance to the Old Town, feeling the history in every brick beneath his feet.Hr: Ivan je krenuo prema gradskim zidinama.En: Ivan headed toward the city walls.Hr: Stare zidine bile su visoke i impresivne, a pogled na more bio je veličanstven.En: The ancient walls were tall and impressive, and the view of the sea was magnificent.Hr: Ivan je hodao polako, promatrajući ljude, kuće i uske ulice.En: Ivan walked slowly, observing the people, houses, and narrow streets.Hr: Miris mora i zvuk valova pratio ga je na svakom koraku.En: The scent of the sea and the sound of the waves accompanied him at every step.Hr: Dok je hodao, Ivan je naišao na mali kafić.En: As he walked, Ivan came across a small café.Hr: Sjeo je na terasu i naručio kavu.En: He sat on the terrace and ordered a coffee.Hr: Dok je uživao u pogledu, čuo je priče lokalnih ljudi.En: While enjoying the view, he listened to the stories of the locals.Hr: Govorili su o povijesti grada, ratovima i bitkama.En: They spoke about the city's history, wars, and battles.Hr: Ivan je osjetio povezanost s prošlošću.En: Ivan felt a connection to the past.Hr: Nakon odmora, Ivan je nastavio svoje istraživanje.En: After a break, Ivan continued his exploration.Hr: Prošao je pored stare luke, gdje su ribarske mreže bile ispružene na popločanim ulicama.En: He passed by the old port, where fishing nets were stretched across the cobblestone streets.Hr: Stari brodovi ljuljali su se na vodi, a galebovi su letjeli iznad njih.En: Old boats swayed on the water, and seagulls flew above them.Hr: Osjetio je mir i tišinu prošlih vremena.En: He felt the peace and quiet of bygone times.Hr: Kad je stigao do vrha zidina, pogled na grad bio je nevjerojatan.En: When he reached the top of the walls, the view of the city was incredible.Hr: Dubrovnik je blistao pod suncem, a crvene krovove okruživale su staze i vrtovi.En: Dubrovnik sparkled under the sun, with red roofs surrounded by pathways and gardens.Hr: Ivan se naslonio na zidine i razmišljao o svemu što je vidio i čuo.En: Ivan leaned against the walls and reflected on everything he had seen and heard.Hr: No, Ivan nije bio jedini na zidinama.En: But Ivan was not alone on the walls.Hr: U daljini je vidio djevojku koja je također istraživala.En: In the distance, he saw a girl who was also exploring.Hr: Prepoznali su se iz kafića.En: They recognized each other from the café.Hr: Počeli su razgovarati o povijesti grada, a njihovo prijateljstvo je brzo raslo.En: They started talking about the city's history, and their friendship quickly grew.Hr: Djevojka, Ana, pokazala je Ivanu skrivene kutke grada, koje sami nikada ne bi pronašli.En: The girl, Ana, showed Ivan hidden corners of the city that he would never have found on his own.Hr: Na kraju dana, Ivan i Ana spustili su se do starog trga i sjeli na klupu.En: At...