Braving the Cold: A Promise Kept in the Field Hospital

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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Braving the Cold: A Promise Kept in the Field Hospital Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Hladan zrak ispunjavao je prostor poljske bolnice dok su Ivana i Marko užurbano radili.En: The cold air filled the field hospital as Ivana and Marko worked hastily.Hr: Marko je stajao pokraj improviziranog stola, pregledavajući popis medicinske opreme.En: Marko stood by the makeshift table, reviewing the list of medical equipment.Hr: Zima je bila surova, snijeg je lagano prekrivao ostatke šume.En: Winter was harsh, and snow lightly covered the remnants of the forest.Hr: Unatoč hladnoći, u šatoru je bilo toplo zahvaljujući maloj peći koja je tiho pucketala.En: Despite the cold, it was warm inside the tent, thanks to a small stove quietly crackling.Hr: Marko je duboko udahnuo.En: Marko took a deep breath.Hr: Njegovo prisustvo u ovoj misiji bila je ispunjenje obećanja koje je dao bratu.En: His presence on this mission was the fulfillment of a promise he had made to his brother.Hr: Odrasli su idući na zimske planinarenje, gdje bi razgovarali o tome kako će jednoga dana pomagati ljudima.En: They had grown up going on winter hikes, where they would talk about how they would one day help people.Hr: Markov brat je preminuo prošle godine, ali njegova snaga i motivacija sada su živjeli kroz Markov rad.En: Marko's brother passed away last year, but his strength and motivation now lived through Marko's work.Hr: Ivana je prolazila između bolesničkih kreveta, nježno razgovarajući s pacijentima.En: Ivana moved between the patients' beds, gently speaking with them.Hr: Uzvikivali su njeno ime s osmijehom, zahvalni na pažnji koju im je posvećivala.En: They called out her name with a smile, grateful for the attention she gave them.Hr: U velikom gradu gdje je radila, bilo je teško pružiti toliko osobne pažnje.En: In the big city where she worked, it was hard to provide so much personal attention.Hr: Ovdje je svaki zagrljaj, svaka riječ utjehe imala posebnu težinu.En: Here, every hug, every word of comfort carried special weight.Hr: Pomagala je ljudima da se osjećaju važnima.En: She helped people feel important.Hr: Ograničeni resursi činili su njihov rad izazovnim.En: Limited resources made their work challenging.Hr: Materijala je ponekad bilo premalo, a zima neumoljiva.En: Supplies were sometimes scarce, and the winter unrelenting.Hr: Marko je osjetio teret odgovornosti.En: Marko felt the burden of responsibility.Hr: No, umjesto da se povuče, odlučio je dijeliti odgovornosti.En: But instead of withdrawing, he decided to share the responsibilities.Hr: "Ante, možeš li preuzeti organizaciju zaliha?En: "Ante, can you take over the organization of supplies?"Hr: " upitao je jednog od volontera.En: he asked one of the volunteers.Hr: Ante je kimnuo, spreman pomoći.En: Ante nodded, ready to help.Hr: Jedne večeri, dok su sjedili uz peć, iznenada je došao glasnik.En: One evening, as they sat by the stove, a messenger suddenly arrived.Hr: "Nesreća se dogodila u obližnjoj cesti.En: "An accident happened on a nearby road.Hr: Dolazi mnogo novih pacijenata," rekao je.En: Many new patients are coming," he said.Hr: Ivana i Marko razmijenili su pogled pun tjeskobe, ali i odlučnosti.En: Ivana and Marko exchanged a look full of anxiety but also determination.

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