Blending Tradition and Tech: A Family's Fasnik Journey
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Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Blending Tradition and Tech: A Family's Fasnik Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu Zagreba, gdje se moderne zgrade uzdižu visoko, dokle god oko može vidjeti, živi jedna obitelj u kvartu gdje tradicija živi.En: In the heart of Zagreba, where modern buildings rise high as far as the eye can see, there lives a family in a neighborhood where tradition thrives.Hr: Zima je stigla, velika bijela pahulja pokrila je grad.En: Winter has arrived, and a large white flake has covered the city.Hr: Zrake svjetla sa snježne podloge odbijale su se, čineći cijeli grad magičnim.En: Light rays reflected off the snowy surface, making the entire city magical.Hr: Ivana, majka obitelji, voljela je tradicionalne hrvatske običaje.En: Ivana, the mother of the family, loved traditional Croatian customs.Hr: Do Fasnika je ostalo tek nekoliko dana, a ona je željela da Mateo i Petra dožive taj festival kao što ga je i ona doživljavala kad je bila mala.En: Only a few days remained until Fasnik, and she wanted Mateo and Petra to experience the festival as she did when she was young.Hr: Fasnik je bio poseban trenutak kada su se oblačili u kostime i slavili proljeće koje dolazi.En: Fasnik was a special time when they dressed up in costumes and celebrated the coming spring.Hr: Mateo, mladić od petnaest godina, bio je zaljubljenik u tehnologiju.En: Mateo, a fifteen-year-old boy, was a technology enthusiast.Hr: Njegovo vrijeme bilo je ispunjeno ekranima, video igrama i virtualnim svjetovima.En: His time was filled with screens, video games, and virtual worlds.Hr: Ivana je osjećala da on ne uživa više u stvarnim trenucima kao nekad.En: Ivana felt that he no longer enjoyed real-life moments like he used to.Hr: Petra, mlada devetogodišnjakinja, divila se i bratu i majci, i bila je razapeta između te ljubavi prema igračkama i maminih priča.En: Petra, a young nine-year-old, admired both her brother and mother, and was torn between her love for toys and her mother's stories.Hr: Ivana je odlučila organizirati večer bez tehnologije kako bi zajedno proveli vrijeme prije Fasnika.En: Ivana decided to organize a technology-free evening to spend time together before Fasnik.Hr: Mateo nije bio oduševljen, ali prihvatio je na nagovor Ivane.En: Mateo was not thrilled but agreed at Ivana's insistence.Hr: Pečeni kesteni i topli čaj stajali su na stolu, dok su Sandra i Petra pripremile šarene maske za Fasnik.En: Roasted chestnuts and warm tea were on the table, while Sandra and Petra prepared colorful masks for Fasnik.Hr: Iznenada, nebo se zamračilo, a guste pahulje počele su padati još jače.En: Suddenly, the sky darkened, and thick flakes began to fall even more heavily.Hr: Oluja je izazvala nestanak struje u cijeloj četvrti.En: The storm caused a power outage in the entire neighborhood.Hr: Mateo, bez svojih gadgeta, nije imao izbora nego pridružiti se obitelji oko stola.En: Mateo, without his gadgets, had no choice but to join the family around the table.Hr: Bez buke televizora i pametnih telefona, Ivana je počela govoriti o starim pričama iz vremena kad je i ona bila dijete.En: Without the noise from the TV and smartphones, Ivana started telling old stories from when she was a child.Hr: Mateo, zaintrigiran pričama, polako je pridodao svoj glas.En: Mateo, intrigued by the stories, slowly added his voice.Hr: Pričao je o tehnologiji i o tome kako bi mogao...