A Winter's Whisper: Mateo's Bold New Year's Resolution

FluentFiction - Croatian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Winter's Whisper: Mateo's Bold New Year's Resolution Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-31-08-38-19-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Hladan zimski vjetar puhao je kroz ulice Dubrovnika, uvijajući se oko zgrada i naglašavajući miris mora.En: A cold winter wind blew through the streets of Dubrovnik, swirling around the buildings and highlighting the smell of the sea.Hr: U srednjoj školi Dubrovnik bilo je užurbano.En: It was busy at Dubrovnik High School.Hr: Učenici su hodali kroz hodnike, noseći božićne lampice i sjajne kuglice.En: Students walked through the hallways, carrying Christmas lights and shiny ornaments.Hr: Škola se pripremala za novogodišnji događaj.En: The school was preparing for a New Year's event.Hr: To je bio poseban trenutak za sve učenike.En: It was a special moment for all the students.Hr: Mateo je stajao ispred velike ploče prekriven fajerima.En: Mateo stood in front of a large board covered with flyers.Hr: Pogledao je prema Aninoj slici iz prošlogodišnjeg događaja.En: He looked at Ana's picture from last year's event.Hr: Nosila je šljokičastu haljinu i osmijeh koji je osvjetljavao cijelu dvoranu.En: She wore a glittery dress and a smile that lit up the entire hall.Hr: Mateo je bio uporni učenik, ali sramežljiv.En: Mateo was a diligent student but shy.Hr: Sanjao je o razgovoru s Anom, no strah od odbijanja ga je uvijek zaustavljao.En: He dreamed of talking to Ana, but the fear of rejection always held him back.Hr: Ana je bila u središtu pozornosti.En: Ana was at the center of attention.Hr: Organizirala je ovaj događaj, kao i mnoge druge školske aktivnosti.En: She organized this event, as well as many other school activities.Hr: Njezin entuzijazam bio je zarazan.En: Her enthusiasm was contagious.Hr: Mateo je znao da je najbolji način da se približi Ani prijaviti se kao volonter na događaju.En: Mateo knew the best way to get closer to Ana was to volunteer for the event.Hr: Učinio je to sa skromnim osmijehom, srce mu je brže kucalo dok je potpisivao obrazac.En: He did so with a modest smile, his heart racing as he signed the form.Hr: Kako se bližila novogodišnja večer, Mateo se našao u velikoj dvorani koja je bila ukrašena srebrnim balonima i bijelim lampicama.En: As New Year's Eve approached, Mateo found himself in the large hall decorated with silver balloons and white lights.Hr: Glazba je tiho svirala s pozornice.En: Music played softly from the stage.Hr: Mateo je pomagao pri aranžiranju stolova, a njegovo srce je bilo teško pritisnuto nervozom.En: Mateo was helping arrange the tables, his heart heavy with nervousness.Hr: Ana se smješkala svima oko sebe, razgovarajući i dijeleći raspored zadataka.En: Ana smiled at everyone around her, talking and sharing the task schedule.Hr: Mateo je znao da mora skupiti hrabrost.En: Mateo knew he had to muster the courage.Hr: Kada je Ana napokon približila stolu gdje je radio, Mateo je duboko udahnuo.En: When Ana finally approached the table where he was working, Mateo took a deep breath.Hr: „Bok, Mateo,“ rekla je Ana veselo. „Hvala što si se prijavio za pomoć.“En: "Hi, Mateo," Ana said cheerfully. "Thanks for signing up to help."Hr: „Nema problema,“ odgovorio je Mateo stidljivo. „Pratim tvoje sjajne ideje.“En: "No problem," Mateo replied shyly. "I admire your great ideas."Hr: Ana se nasmiješila. „Sviđa ti se...

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