A Day at Gyeongbokgung: Tradition, Tea, and Timeless Memories
Fluent Fiction - Korean - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Korean: A Day at Gyeongbokgung: Tradition, Tea, and Timeless Memories Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-day-at-gyeongbokgung-tradition-tea-and-timeless-memories Story Transcript:Ko: 따뜻한 봄날이었어요.En: It was a warm spring day.Ko: 지현은 경복궁에 갔어요.En: Jihyun went to Gyeongbokgung Palace.Ko: 오늘은 특별한 날이에요.En: Today was a special day.Ko: 전통 차예식을 준비하는 날이에요.En: It was the day to prepare for a traditional tea ceremony.Ko: 경복궁은 아름다웠어요.En: Gyeongbokgung was beautiful.Ko: 많은 꽃이 피어 있었어요.En: Many flowers were in bloom.Ko: 지현은 차예식에 대한 준비를 시작했어요.En: Jihyun started the preparations for the tea ceremony.Ko: 맑게 닦은 차잔을 준비했어요.En: She prepared the tea cups that had been cleaned until they sparkled.Ko: 향기로운 차잎도 준비했어요.En: She also prepared the fragrant tea leaves.Ko: 그녀는 조심스럽게 차를 달였어요.En: She carefully brewed the tea.Ko: 냄새가 정말 좋았어요.En: The scent was truly wonderful.Ko: 경복궁의 작은 연못 옆에 자리를 잡았어요.En: She took a seat next to a small pond in Gyeongbokgung.Ko: 바람이 살랑살랑 불었어요.En: A gentle breeze was blowing.Ko: 지현은 커다란 나무 아래에 자리를 잡았어요.En: Jihyun settled under a large tree.Ko: 차를 다리고 컵에 따랐어요.En: She brewed the tea and poured it into the cups.Ko: 색깔이 아름다웠어요.En: The color was beautiful.Ko: 차예식이 시작되었어요.En: The tea ceremony began.Ko: 지현은 조용히 차를 마셨어요.En: Jihyun quietly drank the tea.Ko: 마음이 편안해졌어요.En: She felt at peace.Ko: 그녀는 풍경을 바라보았어요.En: She gazed at the scenery.Ko: 경복궁의 아름다움을 느꼈어요.En: She felt the beauty of Gyeongbokgung.Ko: 곧, 친구들이 왔어요.En: Soon, her friends arrived.Ko: 모두 다 함께 차를 마셨어요.En: They all drank tea together.Ko: 대화도 나누었어요.En: They also had conversations.Ko: 웃음이 가득했어요.En: The air was filled with laughter.Ko: 지현의 준비는 성공적이었어요.En: Jihyun's preparations were successful.Ko: 모두가 행복해졌어요.En: Everyone became happy.Ko: 차예식을 마친 후, 지현은 다시 한번 경복궁을 둘러보았어요.En: After the tea ceremony, Jihyun once again looked around Gyeongbokgung.Ko: 그녀는 마음속으로 다짐했어요.En: She made a promise to herself.Ko: 다음에도 이런 멋진 경험을 할 것이라고.En: She would have such a wonderful experience again.Ko: 그 날, 지현은 많은 것을 배웠어요.En: That day, Jihyun learned many things.Ko: 준비의 중요성, 친구와의 소중한 시간, 그리고 전통의 아름다움을.En: The importance of preparation, the precious time with friends, and the beauty of tradition.Ko: 경복궁에서의 하루는 지현에게 오래 기억될 추억이 되었어요.En: The day at Gyeongbokgung became a long-remembered memory for Jihyun. Vocabulary Words:warm: 따뜻한spring: 봄palace: 궁prepare: 준비하다traditional: 전통ceremony: 예식beautiful: 아름다운bloom: 피다preparations: 준비tea cups: 차잔fragrant: 향기로운leaves: 잎carefully: 조심스럽게brewed: 달이다scent: 냄새truly: 정말wonderful: 좋은gentle: 살랑살랑breeze: 바람settled: 자리를 잡다large: 커다란poured: 따르다color: 색깔quietly: 조용히at peace: 편안해지다gazed: 바라보다scenery: 풍경conversations: 대화laughter: 웃음successful: 성공적이다