Milano's Snowfall Brews Office Rivalry and Unexpected Allyship
Fluent Fiction - Italian - Un pódcast de

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Milano's Snowfall Brews Office Rivalry and Unexpected Allyship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Nelle luci brillanti di Milano, l'ufficio si preparava per il Natale.En: Under the bright lights of Milano, the office was preparing for Christmas.It: Le finestre dall'alto mostrano la città coperta di neve.En: The windows from above showed the city covered in snow.It: Dentro, c'è tensione.En: Inside, there was tension.It: Un anno difficile sta per finire, e tutti attendono con ansia la presentazione di fine anno.En: A difficult year was about to end, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the end-of-year presentation.It: Marco, un manager di medio livello, si sforzava da settimane.En: Marco, a mid-level manager, had been working hard for weeks.It: Era la chance di impressionare i dirigenti e ottenere quella promozione tanto desiderata.En: It was his chance to impress the executives and earn that much-desired promotion.It: Si chinò sui suoi appunti, provando un'altra volta il discorso.En: He bent over his notes, practicing his speech once more.It: Il suo cuore batteva forte.En: His heart was beating fast.It: Avrebbe meritato l'attenzione che cercava.En: Would he deserve the attention he sought?It: Ma qualcosa turbava la sua mente.En: But something was troubling his mind.It: Una scoperta fastidiosa.En: An annoying discovery.It: Giulia, la nuova collega ambiziosa, aveva preparato un'altra presentazione.En: Giulia, the ambitious new colleague, had prepared another presentation.It: Le sue intenzioni erano chiare: conquistare la scena, oscurando il lavoro di Marco.En: Her intentions were clear: to steal the spotlight, overshadowing Marco's work.It: Il giovane manager si trovò di fronte a un dilemma.En: The young manager found himself facing a dilemma.It: Confrontare Giulia poteva significare conflitto e tensione.En: Confronting Giulia could mean conflict and tension.It: Ma ignorare la situazione, significava rischiare la sua opportunità.En: But ignoring the situation meant risking his opportunity.It: Si alzò dalla sedia e decise.En: He got up from his chair and made a decision.It: Non avrebbe combattuto con Giulia.En: He would not fight with Giulia.It: Avrebbe modificato la sua presentazione per mettere in evidenza il suo valore e l'unicità del suo lavoro.En: He would modify his presentation to highlight his value and the uniqueness of his work.It: Con determinatezza, Marco risegnò i suoi appunti, integrando dati importanti e proponendo idee innovative.En: With determination, Marco revised his notes, integrating important data and proposing innovative ideas.It: La sala conferenze era pronta.En: The conference room was ready.It: I dirigenti erano già seduti, aspettando impazienti.En: The executives were already seated, waiting impatiently.It: L'atmosfera era elettrica, trepidante.En: The atmosphere was electric, full of anticipation.It: Finalmente arrivò il momento.En: Finally, the moment arrived.It: Giulia iniziò a presentare.En: Giulia began to present.It: Convinta e sicura, espose le sue idee chiare e precise.En: Confident and assured, she laid out her ideas clearly and precisely.It: Marco la ascoltava attentamente.En: Marco listened attentively.It: Ammirava la...